Monday, December 24, 2012

The Night Before Christmas (Dino Version)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here’s another Dinosaur Christmas tradition – I think
you’ll like it:

T’was the Night Before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the gym,
the lifters were lifting with vigor and vim.
They squatted so heavy the bars were all bending,
as they ground out the reps in the sets never ending.

They snatched and they pressed and they cleaned and they jerked,
until all of their muscles were thoroughly worked.
Then they ran to their sandbags and heaved them up high,
then heaved them again – right up into the sky!

When out in the back there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the rack to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
gave a luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
but a bag-flattened sleigh and unconscious reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
He was hopping and shouting and yelling and screaming.
He wasn’t just hot – he was totally steaming!

“You sandbagged my sled!” he cried in dismay.
“And that means you ruined the big Christmas day!
My toys are all broken, there’s no time to fix ‘em –
And look what you did to poor Prancer and Vixen!”

The lifters were flummoxed. “We’re sorry!” they cried.
And they picked up the reindeer and brought them inside.
“Quick!” someone shouted, “I know what to do!
We’ll whip up a batch of a high-powered brew!”

We started with milk and eggnog and eggs,
and added Hi Protein and poured it in kegs.
We tossed in some chocolate and ice cream for flavor,
Then added some honey, for reindeer to savor.

We mixed it together until it was ready,
Then lifted the reindeer and held them all steady.
We gave each performer three cups of the stuff,
Then added another to make it enough.

“It’s working!” cried Santa. “They’re coming around!
“That Hi Protein potion is the best to be found!”
He turned to his sled – we had fixed that as well –
if the toys could be fixed, then all would be well.

“There’s no time to do it,” said Nicholas, sadly.
“This is one trip that is turning out badly.”
The lifters were quiet and took all the blame,
And hung their heads lower in sorrow and shame.

Then Santa bent over and picked up a letter
That lay in the snow, getting wetter and wetter.
The letter said, “Santa, for Christmas I’d like
a whole lot of muscles. Your friend, Little Mike.”

“That’s perfect!” I cried. “Here’s a course for the kid!
We’ll send one to each of them!” And that’s what we did.
Each kid got a course and a full set of weights --
barbells, and dumbbells and squat stands and plates!

Now Santa was smiling – the good boys and girls
Would soon have their barbells for presses and curls!
The kids would be healthy and happy and strong –
For with barbells and dumbbells you never go wrong.

Santa sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Dinosaur Christmas (Part One)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

(Note: This is part one of the Dinosaur
Christmas Story for 2012. The Dinosaur
Christmas Story is a Holiday tradition
here at Dino Headquarters. I write a
new one every year. Hope you enjoy the
2012 story!)

The crowd roared as the Strongest Man in
the World snapped the heavy barbell to
his shoulders, set himself, and then drove
it overhead in a powerful jerk.

It was standing room only, and people were
hanging from the rafters of the YMCA gym.

They'd come from miles to see the fabulous
York champions in action.

Tony Terlazzo.

John Grimek.

Steve Stanko.

Gracie Bard.

Bob Hoffman.

Bob Hoffman opened things up by talking
about the benefits of barbell training
and the Strength and Health Way of

Then he proved he practiced what he
preached by bent pressing a 250 pound

Tony Terlazzo was next. He demonstrated
the military press -- and he worked his
way up to 240 pounds at a bodyweight of
only 148 pounds. No wonder he was a
World and Olympic champion!

Gracie Bard flashed a vivacious smile as
she did the complete set of exercises in
York Courses No. 1 and No 2 -- with a
barbell heavier than most men could

Not that lifting made Gracie look manly.
Far from it. The petite dancer was cute
as a peach. If she hadn't been Bob
Hoffman's girlfriend (and a regular
in every issue of Strength and Health),
she would have received a dozen marriage
proposals that night!

John Grimek showed the crowd what serious
continental pressing looked like -- with
weights up to 320 pounds -- and then he
showed them what serious muscle looked

Grimek's posing routine left the audience

No one had ever seen anything like it.

But how could they?

Grimek was undoubtedly the best developed
man in the entire world -- with muscles
that jumped up and down like billiard
balls when he did his famous "Muscle

Then it was time for the Big Champ --
Steve Stanko. The United States National
Champion in the Heavyweight class. The
strongest man in the world.

Stamko started heavy and finished heavier,
thrilling the crowd by driving 380 pounds
to arms' length overhead.

"Go for 400!" someone shouted.

Stanko was game, but Bob Hoffman stepped
forward, raising his hand to silence the

"It's Christmas Eve and we have a long
drive to get back to York," he said. "And
the Big Champ needs to save his strength --
he and John Grimek may end up pushing the
car out of snow drifts before the night is

That ended the exhibition. The lifters
showered and changed, piled into Bob's big
black Buick, and took off for York. Their
York Olympic barbell was tied to the front
bumper, and the plates were piled on the
floor in the back.

The crowd stood on the street behind them,
waving and cheering and shouting "Merry
Christmas!" as they drove away.

Inside the car, Bob Hoffman shivered and
pulled his scarf tighter. It was cold --
and they had many miles to go.

"Step on it, Bob!" said Steve Stanko. "I'm

"You're always hungry!" said John Grimek.

"Yeah, but right now I'm exactly hamished!"
said Stanko, who often spoke in a secret
language all his own.

"What's that mean?" asked Tony Terlazzo.

"It means I'm famished and I want ham and
eggs for breakfast," said Stanko.

"I'd settle for a steak dinner," said Grimek.
"Or maybe two of them."

The car sped over the dark road as the
lifters planned their next meal.

Little did they know what the night held
for them -- or how memorable that meal
would be!

(To be continued.)

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We're down to the wire on Christmas
orders. If you've been waiting to place
an order, wait no longer -- do it now!

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Study the past,
look to the future, live in the present."
-- Brooks Kubik

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The "What Are You Working On?" Question

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I've been getting a ton of questions
about what I'm up to, and what I'm
working on.

That includes a ton of questions along
the lines of "When is the first quarterly
issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter
coming out?"

"When is your diet and nutrition book
coming out?'

"When is the next book in the Legacy of
Iron series coming out?'

"Can you write a course or book about
[fill in the blank -- there are always
plenty of suggestions]?"

"Can you do a DVD about [fill in the

So here's what's going on at Dino Head-

I'm working on volume 6 in the Legacy of
Iron series and I hope to have it out in
a couple of months. Call it 3 to 6 months.

I'm also working on a diet and nutrition
book for Dinos. This one is going slow --
but I'll keep on it, and we'll get it out
the door as fast as we can. Probably May or
June of next year if all goes well.

Due to other commitments, I've not been
able to do much on The Dinosaur Files, and
I've not been able to even think about any
other projects. I'll get to them, but I
just can't get to them right now.

Of course, no matter how busy I am, I'll
keep on sending you daily emails. If you
don't see them, then your email server is
doing evil things or you somehow dropped
off the email list, which sometimes happens,
and no one can ever figure out the reason

So if you don't get emails for a couple of
days, check your junk mail filter, and if
you don't see them there, sign back up.

Also, stay in touch by being a Facebook
friend and by going to the Dinosaur Training

I always put each email message on the Blog,
so you can get them that way. It's a back
up system.

The link to the Dinosaur Training Blog is
in the drop-down bar on the homepage of
my website -- on the right.

Or, go there now and bookmark it:

BTW, someone asked if I was still training.

Hey -- the sun still rises in the east,
doesn't it?

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you haven't read the Legacy of Iron
books, you're missing a real treat. Go here
to grab them:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Anything
worth doing is worth doing right."
-- Brooks Kubik

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holler If You Know this Guy!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Holler if you know this guy.

Reads an article about Reg Park,
looks at some photos of Park,
learns that Park was one of the
strongest men in the world at
the same time he was the most
massively developed man on the
planet, and then reads that
Park did 5 x 5.

So he decides to do 5 x 5, writes
up a program, follows it for a
week or two, and then reads
an article about Joe Hise and
how he gained something like
30 pounds in 30 days by doing
20 rep breathing squats.

So he drops the 5 x 5 program and
starts in on the breathing squats.

Does the breathing squat workout
for a week or two, and then reads
about Doug Hepburn doing heavy
singles and using them to become
the strongest man in the world.

Drops the breathing squats and starts
doing heavy singles.

Does them for a week or two, and hen
(you guessed it!) reads about something
else and switches his program.

And it goes on and on -- and he never
gets bigger, never gets stronger, and
never gets much of anything in the way
of results.

There are plenty of guys (and gals) like

And that's a shame.

So let me offer a suggestion or two:

1. Stick with your program. Give it an
honest try. That means at least 6 to 8
weeks before making a change.

2. You can't be all things to all people
and you can't do all the good programs
at one time. Pick and choose. Work 5 x 5
into the ground -- get everything you
can from it -- and THEN change to
something else. 

3. Change for the sake of change doesn't
get you anywhere.

4. Do NOT tell me that you're changing
your workout to keep from getting bored.
If your workouts are boring, stop training
and go to the circus.

5. The key to getting great results from
your training is to find what works for
YOU -- and then stick to it long enough
to get GREAT results.

I hope that helps -- and yes, feel free
to share this message. There are lots of
people out there who need to hear it.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
good day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's a great book with plenty of
good workouts. Choose a program that matches
your experience level, and start training --
and gaining!

P.S. 2. Go here to grab my other Dinosaur
Training books and courses:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Workouts are like
socks, but they're different. You need to change
them -- but not every day!" -- Brooks Kubik


Friday, December 7, 2012

Pearl Harbor Day Memories

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Today is Pearl Harbor Day.

If you were alive on Pearl Harbor
Day, you can probably remember where
you were when you heard about the
attack on the U.S. fleet at Pearl

My dad was a kid, but he still remembers.
He heard the original news broadcast on
the radio.

I happen to know where John Davis was
when he heard the news.

He was at a weightlifting meet in

It was a local meet. Just a couple of
lifting clubs going up against one

One of the heavyweights had hit a big
clean and jerk.

It was 300 pounds or more.

And as he stood there, with the bar
locked out at arms' length overhead,
the radio crackled, and the news came

The big heavyweight stood there, holding
the bar, listening in disbelief.

His eyes went wide, he muttered a single
four letter word that sounds like shoot
and uses the same letters as the word
"hits" -- and then he dropped the bar.

It hit the platform, bounced up and down,
and rolled onto the gym floor.

And for many guys, that was the end of
their lifting for the next couple of

America was at war -- and America's
young men traded iron for lead.

The guys went to enlist the following

John Davis was too young to enlist --
but he went anyway. Stood in line with
his friends. And not long after, he, too,
enlisted -- and went overseas, serving in
the Pacific Theater.

You can read more about John Davis and
the other lifters of his era in this

You also can read more about the Iron
Game and the great champions of the 1930's
and 1940's in my Legacy of Iron books.

Start with Legacy of Iron and read them in
sequence. The story builds from book to book.

Legacy of Iron is here:

And book number 4 in the series opens on a
sunny beach in Hawaii -- on December 7, 1941:

By the way, you can order all five of the Legacy
of Iron books and save some clams. See the bottom
of the order page for vol. 5 in the series:

And yes, there will be more Legacy of Iron
books to come. I'm actually working on book
no. 6 in the series. I know that many of you
are looking forward to it. And so am I!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My other books and courses are available
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Study the lives
of the champions and learn to think and act
like a champion." -- Brooks Kubik

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Train Hard, Train Heavy, Train Smart!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

When I was a kid, the press behind
neck was widely regarded as the very
best shoulder exercise in existence.

So I did lots of press behind neck.

I got pretty good at it, too. In my
20's, I hit 225 or 235 pounds in the
seated press behind neck, at a body-
weight of about 175 or 180 pounds.

Today, I would never do the press
behind neck. Nor would I recommend it.


Because it's too tough on the shoulder
joint. For many trainees, it's a one-way
ticket to sore shoulders for life -- or
for shoulder surgery.

And similar points apply to a great
many exercises -- including a great
many exercises that were widely
promoted back in the 50's, 60's,
70's and 80's.

I write a lot about old-school training,
and I teach plenty of old-school exercises.
But I don't teach all of the old-school
methods -- and I don't teach all of the
old-school exercises. Some of them just
aren't worth doing.

As you train, and as you read about
training, keep this in mind. Don't do
something just because it's old-school
or just because someone did it "back
in the day." And don't do something just
because someone you admire wrote about
it 30, 40 or 50 years ago -- or 90 or
100 years ago.

Study the Iron Game. Learn it from the
inside out. Take the best of the present
and the best of the past and combine them
into the best possible system for YOU.

And above all else, THINK!

Peary Rader once wrote a terrific article
titled "A Lifter Must Think!"

By that, he meant that a lifter (he was
referring to powerlifters, for the most
part, although the idea applies to any
of the Iron Sports) must consider what
he is doing and why he is doing it --
and pick and choose exercises and training
methods that really work, as opposed to
doing something simply because some
Champion happens to do it.

That was good advice 40 years ago, when
Peary wrote his article -- and it's good
advice now.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more about real world, no nonsense
strength training and muscle building, grab
any of my books and courses:

P.S. If you'd like me to autograph a book or
course for you, please ask for an autograph
in the Special Instructions section of the
on-line order form.

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train hard,
train heavy, and train smart." -- Brooks Kubik

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why I Don't Do the WOD!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

There are lots of people doing the WOD,
which I'm told stands for Workout of
the Day.

Personally, I do the WOB.

That stands for Workout of Brooks.

You see, I've been doing this a long
time, and I have a pretty good idea
about what works best for me.

I'm 55, and like anyone else, I've had
to make changes in my training over the
years. The workouts I do now are different
than the workouts I did when I was younger --
but they work great for me.

And just as important, I like doing them.

That's important. If you don't like what
your doing, you won't do it. Or you'll do
it, but you won't put enough OOMPF into
your training to get good results.

(Oompf is a technical term that means
"training hard enough to get results."
I'm not sure who invented the phrase,
but it's a good one.)

My current workouts are similar to the
workouts detailed in Gray Hair and Black
Iron. They're serious and they're strength
oriented and they're challenging and
they're fun -- but they're short, fast
and abbreviated. They won't cause you
to outrun your recovery ability, and
that's vitally important for older

As you get older, your recovery ability
diminishes. It becomes harder to bounce
back from a hard workout.

So you need to be smart. You need to train
hard enough to get results -- but you
need to train smart enough to let those
results happen.

It's a bit of a balancing act -- but it's
something you have to learn how to do if
you're an older trainee and you want to
keep on doing the serious stuff.

Anyhow, if you're an older trainee, don't
do the WOD.

Do the W.O. What Works Best for You.

You'll be glad you did!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab your copy of Gray Hair
and Black Iron:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You can't help
getting older. The important thing is to get
smarter." -- Brooks Kubik

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Time to Take Action!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Today's December 4, so we're getting fairly
close to Christmas.

We try as hard as we can to get all orders
packed and out the door as fast as possible,
especially this time of year, but it's a
tough job.

But you can help us.

If you're going to place a Christmas order,
do it as soon as possible.

And remember, if you want an autograph on a
book or course, all you need to do is ask.

There's no charge for an autograph. I'm
always happy to autograph a book or course.
In fact, I'm honored to do it. But you need
to ask.

If someone else orders a book or course for
you, be sure they ask for an autograph --
and be sure to tell me who to sign it for.

I always like to address a short note to
the reader whenever I sign a book or

After all, you're Dinos -- and Dinos deserve
the best.

By the way -- I'm including a signed 8 1/2
x 11 color photo and a Holiday card with
every order from now until the end of the

Consider it a special THANK YOU for your
support and encouragement over the years.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My Dinosaur Training books and courses
(and t-shirts, muscle shirts, sweat shirts,
hoodies and DVD's) are right here:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "The best gift
you can give yourself -- or anyone else --
is the gift of strength and health."
-- Brooks Kubik

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Fire-Breathing Revolutionary!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

When I was a kid, the muscle magazines
taught you three things:

1. To get big and strong you had to do
a super-duper bodybuilding workout where
you did every exercise under the sun,
trained six days a week on a split routine
and pumped your muscles to the max in every

1A. Your workouts took three or four hours.

1B. For best results, you didn't work or
go to school, and you moved to California
and hung around Muscle Beach all day.

2. You guzzled protein shakes and downed
supplements by the ton.

3. You used drugs.

3a. The muscle mags didn't come out and TELL
YOU to use drugs -- but drugs were a part of
the bodybuilding culture in the 60's and 70's,
and most of the "serious" guys either used
them or thought about using them.

There was one magazine that was opposed to
this sort of silliness.

Peary Rader's IronMan magazine.

And there was one writer who opposed this
stuff in each and every article he wrote.

He put it in very simple terms:

1. Train three days per week for about one
hour per workout.

2. Do basic exercises.

3. Focus on your legs, back and shoulder

4. Train for strength, not for a pump.

5. Do some gut work so you keep your
midsection under control -- but don't train
for a wasp waist.

6. Do one to three sets of each exercise
unless you are doing strength and power
training, in which case you can do 5 x 5.

7. Good old-fashioned food builds strength
and muscle better and faster than any super
supplement ever invented.

7a. You can take supplements if you want to
take them, but don't use them to make up for
a lousy diet. It won't work.

8. Don't forget the conditioning work.

9. Combine your strength training with
sports or martial arts. Be well rounded.
Build coordination and athleticism along
with strength and power.

10. Concentrate deeply, fiercely and intensely
when you train.

11. The mental aspects of training are the
key to success.

12. Never give up!

13. Train for strength AND health.

14. Live a full, complete, well-rounded life.
Don't drop out and live at Muscle Beach --
and don't glorify those who do.

15. Don't take drugs.

Pretty simple stuff. But it was pretty

Who was this fire-breathing revolutionary?

His name was Bradley J. Steiner.

He was my very favorite writer when I was a
kid -- and you can see his influence in all
of my books and courses.

Brad Steiner wrote a terrific book called A
Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training.
It's been out of print for 30 years. My buddy
Bill Hinbern has just released a modern reprint
(with Steiner's express approval).

Go here to order your copy of A Complete
Guide to Effective Barbell Training -- and get
set for a BIG TREAT and a TON of great training

Yous in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you want to make it an extra-special
Holiday season, grab a copy of Steiner's book, and
a couple of my books and courses (or DVD's). They
go together pretty darn well:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Step one, get strong. Step
two, get stronger." -- Brooks Kubik

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Do You Train like a Dinosaur?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I get this question all the time.

A reader sends me his (or her) most
recent workout -- exercises, weights,
sets and reps -- and then asks:

"Is this Dino training?"

And since I get that question so
often, I thought I'd give everyone
a check list to use. So here it is:


1. Do you train hard?

2. Do you train basic?

3. Do you train simple?

4. Do you work like heck to get stronger
and more powerful?

5. Do you train for strength AND train
for health?

6. Do you train with laser-focus and
pin-point concentration?

7. Do you use some form of progression in
your training?

7a. In other words, are you always working
to add reps, add weight or lift heavier?

8. When things get tough, do you push and
pull harder than ever?

9. Do you intend to train hard, heavy and
intelligently for the rest of your life?

10. Do you train like the old-time champions?

10a. Do you know how the old-time champions

10b. Do you honor their legacy in each
and every workout you take?

If your answer to these questions is YES,
then you're a Dinosaur -- and you're training
like a Dinosaur!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. They're are plenty of different ways to
train for strength and power -- and to build
muscle. Take a look at my books, courses and
DVD's -- find one that looks challenging --
grab it -- and train like heck on it. You won't
believe your results!

P.S. 2. It's Holiday Season, so get those orders
in. We want to fill them and get them out the
door as fast as possible.

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Never stop
training, and never stop learning."
-- Brooks Kubik

Farmer's Market Beet Down!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I hit the Farmer's Market this morning.

I started with Todd Childers' booth.
Todd and his wife, Megan, ran a great
little operation called Facing West

I grabbed three bunches of Swiss chard,
a big bag of lettuce, a bunch of carrots,
three heads of broccoli, and a small
green cabbage.

Todd had plenty of other great stuff --
including some awesome looking beets with
the beet greens attached.

Now, here's the deal on beets.

I love beet greens. I grow beets in the
garden, just for the beet greens, and I
can never get enough of them.

But beets are too sweet -- and too high in
carbs. So they don't work well for this

I've been buying beets from Todd just for
beet greens, and we've ended up with a big
bunch of left-over beets. They'll probably
end up in the compose pile, which is sort
of a shame.

So I had promised myself (and more
importantly, I had promised Trudi) that I
wouldn't get any today.

But those beet greens sure looked good.

Then I had an idea.

"Todd -- could I buy some beet greens
without the beets? You can eat them or
you can sell them to someone else."

"Sure," he said.

So he chopped the beet greens off the beets
and tossed them into a big bag for me. I got
three big bunches of greens. Enough to fill
a standard, large size shopping bag.

Meanwhile, an older man standing next to me
watched us with interest.

"Don't you want the beets?" he asked. "They're
my favorite part!"

"They're all yours!" I said.

So I went home with the beet greens, and the
older gentleman went home with the beets --
and we were both happy as clams.

That's part of the fun of shopping at the
Farmer's Market. Everyone goes home happy.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We're blasting into the Holiday season,
so get those orders in ASAP so we can get
them out the door to you:

P.S. 2. Remember, if you want me to autograph
a book or course for you, all you need to do
is ask! Use the Special Instructions section
of the on-line order form to make your request.

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Support your
local farmers!" -- Brooks Kubik