Thursday, December 28, 2017

What Are Your Training Goals for 2018?

One year, I made hitting a 300 pound push press one of my training goals - and as you can see, I made it! Training goals are important - they motivate, inspire and energize you.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Like many of you, I'm looking ahead to the
New Year.

In other words, I'm sharpening my pencils
and scribbling notes on paper as I outline
my workouts for the coming year.

Most people think about "resolutions" for
New Year.

I don't.

I think about training programs.

With the right training program, good things

Of course, the right program starts with the
right kind of goals. You start by establishing
your goals for the coming year, and then you
design a program to achieve them.

What do I mean by "the right kind of goals"?

The right kind of goals are:

1. Realistic, but challenging.

2. Difficult, but not impossible.

3. Things that will motivate you for the
course of the entire year.

4. Objective and measurable.

a. Poundage goals or other performance
based goals are best.

5. Easy to put into words, such as:

a. I want to press my bodyweight.

b. 300/400/500.

c. I want to gain 20 pounds of muscle.

e. I want to lose 30 pounds of flab.

f. I want to set a new state record in the

g. I want to close the No. 2.5 gripper.

h. I want to ______________________ .

[Fill in the blank -- it should fit into the space

6. No. 5 is important because you need to
internalize your goal and burn it into your
heart and mind.

a. You do that by thinking about it --
visualizing it -- repeating it -- or writing
it on notes.

b. You can't do any of those things if your
goal takes 10 pages to put on paper.

And most importantly --

7. Your goal needs to be something that
motivates and inspires you.

a. It has to be YOUR goal -- not someone
else's goal.

b. It has to be something you truly want
to achieve.

c. It has to be something that you will work
toward for the entire year -- not something
that will hold your interest for a week or two,
and then watch you bounce to something else.

Goal-setting empowers you.

Harness the power -- and make 2018 your
best year ever.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. The Dinosaur Files monthly newsletter will
help keep you focused on your training and on
achieving your goals for 2018. Go here to grab
the Oct, Nov and Dec 2017 issues:

P.S. 2. We also have back issues of the Dinosaur
Files available in PDF editions - beginning with
December 2015 and moving forward from
there. The information is timeless, and you'll
definitely want the whole set. Look for the
links under the PDF products section at our
Products Page:

P.S. 3. You can find my other books and
courses right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 4. Thought for the Day:

"Set your sail for the far horizon and
steer a course to great

-- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others:

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Bundle Up and Do Squats!

When it's cold, you bundle up and do what you have to do. And when it's colder, you just bundle up a bit more!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's been cold as heck here in Louisville -
and the same is true across much of the
world right now.

And that means it's time to bundle up and
do squats.

Or deadlifts.

Or presses.

Or push-ups and pull-ups.

Or the farmer's walk.

Or go for a nice long walk.

Or whatever.

The important thing is to do something
physical - stay active - keep moving -
and get your blood flowing.

Trudi and I went for a nice walk yesterday.

We wore triple layers on top - and double
socks - and scarves, hats and warm gloves.

It was cold, but the sun was out and it
felt great.

So I decided to set up shop outside and
do some old-fashioned split style snatches
to earn my Christmas dinner.

That's the only way I can do overhead
lifting because the basement ceiling is
too low for presses, snatches and clean
and jerks. Not sure who designed the
place, but he obviously wasn't a lifter.

Trudi understands. She didn't even try to
talk me out of it.

"Sounds like fun!" she said.

So I re-bundled in double layers of sweats,
and went out and set things up for a nice
little workout.

I miscalculated a bit because the clouds
came out and covered the sun almost
the minute I got started - and then the
wind kicked up - and pretty soon it was
downright chilly.

I would do a lift, and then retreat back
into the garage, blow on my hands, and
then go out and do the next lift.

And as you might imagine, I sure as heck
didn't rest very long between lifts.

I didn't go heavy - that would not have
been wise in cold weather - but I trained -
and I had fun - and that's the important

Anyhow, wherever you are, bundle up
and get in a good workout. It doesn't
matter what you do - just do it.

It will make all the difference in the world.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We've been getting a lot of orders for
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training and Dinosaur
Bodyweight Training. Those are good choices -
and they'll give you plenty of ideas for fast,
fun and effective workouts in 2018:

Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

P.S. My other books and courses -
and links to all of my e-books on Kindle
- are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 2. Thought for the Day:

"First, last and foremost - train!"

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others:

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Night Before Christmas (Dinosaur Version)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Christmas is almost here -- and that means that it's
time for the Night Before Christmas (Dinosaur Version).

This is another Christmas tradition for the Dinos -- and
one that I always enjoy sharing with you.

Hope you enjoy it!

T’was the Night Before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the gym,
the lifters were lifting with vigor and vim.
They squatted so heavy the bars were all bending,
as they ground out the reps in the sets never ending.

They snatched and they pressed and they cleaned and they jerked,
until all of their muscles were thoroughly worked.
Then they ran to their sandbags and heaved them up high,
then heaved them again – right up into the sky!

When out in the back there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the rack to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
gave a luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a bag-flattened sleigh and unconscious reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
He was hopping and shouting and yelling and screaming.
He wasn’t just hot – he was totally steaming!

“You sandbagged my sled!” he cried in dismay.
“And that means you ruined the big Christmas day!
My toys are all broken, there’s no time to fix ‘em –
And look what you did to poor Prancer and Vixen!”

The lifters were flummoxed. “We’re sorry!” they cried.
And they picked up the reindeer and brought them inside.
“Quick!” someone shouted, “I know what to do!
We’ll whip up a batch of a high-powered brew!”

We started with milk and eggnog and eggs,
and added Hi Protein and poured it in kegs.
We tossed in some chocolate and ice cream for flavor,
Then added some honey, for reindeer to savor.

We mixed it together until it was ready,
Then lifted the reindeer and held them all steady.
We gave each performer three cups of the stuff,
Then added another to make it enough.

“It’s working!” cried Santa. “They’re coming around!
“That Hi Protein potion is the best to be found!”
He turned to his sled – we had fixed that, as well –
if the toys could be fixed, then all would be swell.

“There’s no time to do it,” said Nicholas, sadly.
“This is one trip that is turning out badly.”
The lifters were quiet and took all the blame,
And hung their heads lower in sorrow and shame.

Then Santa bent over and picked up a letter
That lay in the snow, getting wetter and wetter.
The letter said, “Santa, for Christmas I’d like
a whole lot of muscles. Your friend, Little Mike.”

“That’s perfect!” I cried. “Here’s a course for the kid!
We’ll send one to each of them!” And that’s what we did.
Each kid got a course and a full set of weights --
barbells, and dumbbells and squat stands and plates!

Now Santa was smiling – the good boys and girls
Would soon have their barbells for presses and curls!
The kids would be healthy and happy and strong –
For with barbells and dumbbells you never go wrong.

Santa sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik



Here's an easy way to do some last minute Christmas shopping - or to find something to read while you're traveling "over the river and through the snow" to wherever it is that you're going this year.

We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others:

The Masked Man's Christmas (Part 6)

The great Frank Gotch. Many believe he was the best wrestler of all time. How would he have done against the masked man?

This is part 6 of the Dinosaur Christmas story
for 2016. If you missed parts 1 - 5, scroll on
down and read them first!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

And now, without further ado, here's Part 6 of the story. Sit
down, buckle up, strap in, and get ready for a wild ride.

The Masked Man's Christmas (Part 6)

The match became a war that raged back and forth
across the ring, with the fans roaring the entire

And then -- it happened.

At the 40 minute mark, the two men separated,
bounced backward into the ropes and hurled
themselves across the ring.

They hit with smashing force in the center of the

Dazed, both men swayed, waving their arms to keep
their balance.

The masked man seemed to have gotten the worse of
it. He shook his head, trying desperately to clear
the cobwebs.

Seizing his opportunity, the champ dropped back
against the ring ropes, using them like a
slingshot -- and launched himself like a missile,
right hand raised to deliver a crushing blow.

The fans screamed in anticipation.

The champ swung with all his might --

--but missed!

The masked man ducked, and the powerful punch went
whistling over his head.

In the same motion, he drove forward, sliding behind
the champ -- and slapped on a sleeper hold.

The champ struggled wildly -- but the masked man held
him in a vice-like grip in the center of the ring.

"How much is he paying you to break my leg?" whispered
the masked man.

"Ack --gargh -- ughkk . . ." sputtered the champ.

"Whatever it was, it wasn't enough," whispered the masked

The champ waved his arms weakly.

"I should break your neck right now," said the masked
man. "But it's Christmas Eve, so I won't. Consider
yourself lucky.

The champ's eyes went wide with fear -- and then they
closed. His knees sagged, his body went limp, and the
masked man loosened his grip and let him fall to the
mat. He rolled him over, placed one huge hand on his
chest, and motioned to the referee.

The ref didn't know what to do. There was no way to
stop the match. it. All he could do was sell the finish
and hope the promoter could work it out later on.

He dropped down and began the count.




And just like that, there was a new champion.

The referee walked to the side of the ring and motioned
to the time-keeper, who handed him the championship
belt. He turned and handed it to the masked man.

Pete and his fellow officers stepped close to the ring,
forming a human shield, and escorted the new champion
back to his dressing room.

This time there was no riot. The crowd was too stunned by
what they had seen. They sat in their seats, eyes bulging,
as the ring doctor worked frantically to revive the fallen

But the promoter knew what to do. He ran back to the
dressing room, grabbed Pete by the arm, and pointed
toward the door.

"Arrest that man!" he said. "He's trying to steal my
championship belt!"

"Steal it? He won it fair and square! That's not stealing!"

"No, you don't understand. We had a deal! I have a contract!
He was supposed to lose!"

"Let me see the contract!"

The promoter handed the paper to him.

"Who signed it?" asked Pete.

"HE did!"

"Are you sure that's his real name? I'm no lawyer, but I
know a contract's not binding if it's not signed with your
real name."

"Of course it's his name. Who else would it be?"

"That's the name of some kid that used to live here," said
Pete. "His parents died in a fire. He grew up in the county
home. Left years ago. No one's seen him since."

"Maybe it's him!"

"Or maybe not!"

"But what am I gonna do?" asked the promoter. "He has my belt!
Those are real diamonds, damn it!"

"Maybe if you ask nice, he'll give it back to you," said Pete.

The promoter threw the contract on the floor, cursed, and
stepped to the door.

"If you won't do anything, I'll handle this myself!" he said.

Pete waited until the promoter was just beginning to turn the
doorknob -- and then he spoke.

His voice was soft, his tone mild -- but his words cracked like
a whip.

"You might want to reconsider," he said. "He knows you paid the
champ to break his leg."

The promoter stopped dead in his tracks. The blood drained from
his face, and his hand slipped from the doorknob.

"What did you say?"

Pete repeated it.

"I don't -- I don't know what -- what you're talking about,"
sputtered the promoter.

"I could always ask the champ," said Pete. "The old champ, I

"Ask him whatever you like," said the promoter. "He won't talk."

"He might," said Pete. "Especially when I ask him why he has an
envelope with an even thousand bucks in $20 bills in his suit
pocket. That sort of sounds like getting paid for some kind of
special job -- unless you're gonna tell me you paid him his
share of the gate already -- before you had time to total it
and add in the concessions sales -- and it just happened that
his percentage worked out to an even thousand clams."

"That was -- that was a Christmas bonus!"

Pete nodded slowly.

"Maybe," he replied. "We'll see."

The promoter sagged against the concrete wall.

"Look, you gotta help me get my belt back," he said. "Go talk
to him. Work out some deal. Tell him he can keep one of the
diamonds. Hell, let him keep two of the diamonds. I don't care!
I can replace them with glass. It doesn't matter. But I need
that belt back -- and I need him out of the territory --
right now. And we can all forget about this -- this

"Stay here," said Pete. "I'll see what I can do."


The kids in the county home always had oatmeal porridge
and dry toast for breakfast. Some of them couldn't remember
ever having anything else. Not even on Christmas. There
wasn't enough money for anything else.

But this morning was different.

They woke to the smell of bacon and eggs, ham slices, pancakes
with real maple syrup, and fresh buttermilk biscuits with real
butter and strawberry jam.

They threw on their clothes and raced downstairs -- and stopped
in amazement.

"What are those?" cried one of the youngest boys.

"They're presents!" said one of the girls.


Some of them had never had a Christmas present before.

They tore into the packages wildly, some laughing, some
crying, and some afraid to believe it was real.

You can buy a lot of presents (and a lot of food) with a
couple of small diamonds -- and you can even open a
bank account and make a nice deposit in an interest
bearing account that helps put food on the table for
a long, long time.

Pete stepped into the room, carrying a small yellow
puppy with a red ribbon.

"Who wants a puppy?" he asked.

"WE DO!" they shouted in unison -- and just like that,
the little yellow puppy had a new home and the biggest
and best family a dog could want.

One of the boys held out his hands, and Pete handed
the puppy to him. The boy smiled as he held the
puppy -- and then began to cry softly as the puppy
licked his face.

The other kids crowded around, each wanting to hold
the little bundle of fur.

The boy handed the puppy to one of the girls, wiped his
eyes, and looked up at Pete.

"Thank you, officer," he said. "Thanks for everything!"

Pete paused for a second, not trusting his voice. There
was a lump in his throat the size of a piano.

"Don't thank me," he said. "Thank Frankie."

"Who's Frankie?" asked the boy.

Pete considered his answer for several seconds.

"He's just a little kid who went through some hard times
and came out okay," he said.

The boy considered the answer carefully.

"Did you know him?" he asked. "I mean -- did you
know him when he was a boy?"

Pete nodded.

"He was my best friend," he said.

"Did he live here?"

Pete nodded again.

"He lived here," he said. "So did I."

The little boy nodded in understanding.

"I thought so," he said.

"Ten years for me," said Pete. "A little longer for him."

The other children raced by, laughing merrily as they
chased the little yellow puppy around the room.

The boy looked up at Pete.

"Are you staying for breakfast?" he asked.

"Of course I am, said Pete. "It's Christmas!"

The boy held out his hand. Pete took it in his, and they
walked to the heavily-laden breakfast table.


Note: That ends the 2017 Dinosaur Christmas story.

I hope you enjoyed it -- and I wish you, your friends,
and loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy,
Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

P.S.  If you're looking for some reading with immediate
delivery, take a look at our PDF and Kindle books and

The PDF's are printable, so you can order them - print them -
and BOOM - instant presents! 

That includes the October, November and December issues of
The Dinosaur Files newsletter, featuring tons of great workouts,
and Dinoriffic training advice - including the Save Your Life
Neck Training Program in the November issue - and a very
effective six-day a week program in the December issue:


Here's another easy way to do some last minute Christmas shopping - or to find something to read while you're traveling "over the river and through the snow" to wherever it is that you're going this year.

We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others:

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Masked Man's Christmas (Part 5)

Frank Gotch applying his dreaded toe hold to an unlucky opponent. I wonder how Gotch would have done against the masked wrestler in our Christmas Story.

Note: This post is Part 5 in the 2016 Dinosaur
Christmas story - and things are starting to heat

If you missed Parts 1 - 4, be sure to read them first;
after all, it's a story, and you need to start at the

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The Masked Man's Christmas (Part 5)

"So how about it?" asked the promoter. "One more
match before you leave town -- a special championship
match on Christmas Eve?"

The masked man paused and thought it over.

"Who wins?" he asked.

The promoter chuckled.

"Why -- the champ, of course! It's a Loser Leave Town
Match. You're leaving town. The champ's staying."

"How do we play it?"

"You guys do whatever you want for 30 or 40 minutes.
Get lots of heat going. I want the fans going crazy.
And then you give him one of those great big body
slams you do -- but don't knock him out, okay?"

"What then?"

"You slap on the old figure four leg-lock while he's
lying there stunned -- but he reverses it -- and that's
how he wins!"

"That sounds easy enough."

"The fans will love it! Just sell it really good. Make
them think he's broke your leg."

"They'll like that, won't they?"

"Absolutely! You're the most hated man in the territory!"

The masked man nodded. He was used to being hated
wherever he went.

"Give me the contract," he said.

The promoter slid the standard sheet of paper across the desk.

The masked man read it carefully -- and then signed it.

He handed the paper back to the promoter.

"There you go," he said.

The promoter took the contract, glanced at the signature, and
smiled in satisfaction.

"Is that your real name?" he asked.

The masked man shrugged.

"Maybe," he said.

"I knew a guy with that name once. He lived down the street.
Something happened when he was a kid -- what was it?"

"Must have been something pretty bad if you remember it after
all these years."

"Yeah, it must have been. Heck, I remember. It was a fire. That's
right, a fire. Killed his parents. He and his brother ended up
in the county home. He stayed there until he finished school, I

"Most kids in the county home don't finish school."

"Yeah, but this guy was different. Big guy. Real strong. Used
to work out all the time. Played football. Wrestled, too. He
was pretty good at it. All Conference."

"What happened to him?"

"He joined the army, I think. Or maybe the Marines."

"Ever see him again?"

"Nope. Guy's never come back."

"Some guys never do."

"Yeah, I guess that's right."

The promoter sat back in his chair and looked at his watch. He
had another meeting scheduled in five minutes.

"So -- we're all set, right?"

The masked man nodded.

"Yeah, sure," he said.

He stood up and walked to the door -- then stopped, and turned
back to the promoter.

"They say that championship belt is made of real gold -- with
real diamonds. Is that true?"

"It's true. It's the best damn belt anywhere. I had it made

"You think maybe I could look at it -- or even just hold it?
After the match, I mean."

The promoter looked back with a twisted smile.

"Sure, pal -- you can do whatever you want to do -- after the
match is over."


"If you feel up to it, I mean."

The masked man nodded, opened the door, and left the promoter
sitting behind him.


As Pete walked to his squad car, he passed a Salvation Army
volunteer, standing in back of his kettle, ringing his bell
and calling "Merry Christmas" to everyone who passed by --
and a "Thank you!" to everyone who tossed a coin into the

"Hey, Pete -- you got a second?"

"Sure, Bill -- what's up?"

"I gotta tell you about something -- something I heard."

"What is it?"

"You know that masked wrestler -- the guy that's been knocking
everyone out? The one that started the riot last week?"

"What about him?"

"Well, two things. First off, I know who he is. And I know
him. So do you. We were all in the Home together."

Pete's jaw dropped in amazement.

"Of course!" he said. "It's Frankie! That's how he knew my name!"

"Well, there's something else."


"You know the big match tonight at the auditorium? Where Frankie's
wrestling the Champ?"

"Sure, I'm heading over there right now. They're expecting the
biggest crowd ever."

"Yeah, while I heard some guys talking about it -- the promoter
is paying the Champ to break his leg!"

"Break which leg?"

"No, he's paying him to break Frankie's leg!"

Pete swore under his breath.

"The hell he is!" he said.

"No, really -- that's the plan. They have it all figured out. Some
special ending where Frankie is working him over -- and then he
fights back and gets Frankie in some kind of leg hold -- and they
told Frankie to make like the Champ breaks his leg -- but they're
gonna do it for real. Break his leg, I mean!"

Peter shook his head.

"No, they're not!" he promised.

He slammed his hands together. It sounded like an explosion.

"Come on!" he said, grabbing the kettle and turning toward the
squad car. "We gotta go find Frankie!"


P.S. I had planned on finishing the story in 5 installments, but
we're running over -- so be looking for part 6 tomorrow!

P.S. 2. Yes, we're open -- and taking orders. You can find us at the
usual place:

P.S. 3. If you're looking for some reading with immediate
delivery, take a look at our PDF and Kindle books and

The PDF's are printable, so you can order them - print them -
and BOOM - instant presents! 

That includes the October, November and December issues of
The Dinosaur Files newsletter, featuring tons of great workouts,
and Dinoriffic training advice - including the Save Your Life
Neck Training Program in the November issue - and a very
effective six-day a week program in the December issue:

P.S. 4. Thought for the Day:

"If I were running things, every kid would get a barbell 
for Christmas."

 -- Brooks Kubik


Here's another easy way to do some last minute Christmas shopping - or to find something to read while you're traveling "over the river and through the snow" to wherever it is that you're going this year.

We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others:

Friday, December 22, 2017

The Masked Man's Christmas (Part 4)

World champion Lou Thesz has his opponent in some serious trouble - I hope our masked man stays out of trouble as we continue our Christmas story!

Note this is Part 4 of the 2017 Dinosaur Training
Christmas Story. If you missed Parts 1, 2 and 3,
read them first so you can follow the story in the
proper order:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The Masked Man's Christmas (Part 4)

The wrestling promoter slammed his hand down on the

"I don't care how much damage those crazy fans did
last week!" he shouted. "This match will pay for all
of it and more!"

"Do you think?" asked the man who owned the

"I KNOW it! The fans hate him. They'll fill the seats
to see him get beat!"

"I don't know. Last time was a mess. It took forever to
clean up."

The third man at the table laughed.

"We'll charge double the usual for the tickets," he said.
"We'll be the ones who clean up!"

"Can you do that?" asked the auditorium manager.

"Who's gonna stop us? The Commission? I don't think
so! Not with what we've got on them!"

"It doesn't seem right doing that on Christmas Eve!"

"That's the whole point! There's never before in the
whole history of wrestling been a Championship match on
Christmas Eve. Not here, not in New York, not anywhere!"

"Yeah, but do you think they'll come? I mean, it's
Christmas Eve -- and people have stuff to do -- and they
want to be home with their families!"

The promoter shook his head.

"Nuts to that!" he said. "They want to see the mystery man
beat within an inch of his life. They want to see him busted
up. Maybe see his leg get broke. That's what we gotta give

"On Christmas Eve?" asked the auditorium manager.

"Why the hell not?"

"But it's Christmas Eve!"

"Right, and it's gonna be Christmas a day early for us when
we pack the place like sardines in a can!"

"At double the usual price!" added the third man.

"Right!" said the promoter.

"And you promise you'll cover any damage if there's another
riot?" asked the auditorium owner.

"Of course I will," said the promoter.

"Put it in writing!" demanded the owner.

He pulled out his standard contract and shoved it across the table.
The promoter signed the document without reading it, and flipped it
back to the owner.

"There's your signature," he said.

The owner nodded. He took the contract, put it into a big yellow
envelope, and put the envelope into his safe.

He closed the door of the safe, spun the dial on the combination,
and turned back to the other men.

"Are you really gonna break his leg?"

The two men smirked and exchanged quick sideways glances.

"Not us! We won't do it!"

"But you'll tell the Champ to do it."

The promoter shook his head.

"You misunderstand me. I don't tell the Champ to do anything. It's
just that sometimes -- in a big match -- things happen."

The other man nodded.

"Things happen," he said.


P.S. Yes, were open for business at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 2.Here's the original little monster that started the
Dinosaur Revolution way back in 1996 -- and it's been
a best-seller ever since:

P.S. 3. Thought for the day:

"You can sit back and dream or you can take
action -- it's your choice."

-- Brooks Kubik


Here's another easy way to do some last minute Christmas shopping - or to find something to read while you're traveling "over the river and through the snow" to wherever it is that you're going this year.

We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: