Friday, November 30, 2018

A Special Bonus - The 10 Week Deadlift Program!

Rich Abbott pulls a heavy deadlift and sets a new Master's Record!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I just got a quick heads up on
something from my buddy John

John has released two excellent
Trap Bar Training Guides in
Kindle format.

One of the great things about
Kindle is that it lets you add to
a book very quickly and easily.

And that's what John is doing
with the Trap Bar Training
No. 2.

He's adding something new.

It's a 10 Week Training Program
for the Deadlift - and it's a really
good program - and it's perfect
for Trap Bar training.

If you already have a copy of
the Trap Bar Training Guide
2, you'll be able to read
the new material as soon as
it loads.

In other words, your current
copy will update automatically.
If you don't have a copy, go
ahead and grab one asap. The
10 Week Deadlift Program will
either be in the book by the
time you read this post or will
go in automatically a little later.

Here's the link:

Trap Bar Training Book No. 2

Also - if you missed the Trap
Bar Training Guide No. 1,
go here to grab it:

Trap Bar Training Book No. 1

Be sure to leave a review after
you read the book(s) - the reviews
really help.

Happy reading - and happy

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

He Grabbed Him By the Leg . . .

When World Champion Lou Thesz grabbed them by the leg, they stayed grabbed. Thesz had the perfect blend of wrestling skill, technical mastery and superb physical conditioning - along with plenty of strength and power!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's been a very wild ride for the past
72 hours - and I want to thank all the
Dinos who made it happen.

On Friday we released a new training
book on Kindle.

It's called 100 Strength Training Tips
for Combat Athletes - and as you can
guess, it covers Dino-style strength
and power training for combat

Anyhow, we launched the book, sat
Back, and waited . . .

And then the fun started - and things
kind of blew up.

In less than 24 hours, 100 Strength
Training Tips for Combat Athletes
was ranked as No. 1 in New Releases
for weight training books in the
Kindle bookstore.

Over the next two days, it also was
ranked no. 1 in new releases in the
Martial Arts category - and in the
Short Reads - Sports and Outdoor
books category.

It also ended up in three different
Top 10 Best Seller lists - and made
it to no. 1 in one of those lists.

So that was pretty darn good. After
all, no. 1 is kind of hard to beat.

And to make it even better, John
Wood has a number of books in
the same Top 10 lists.

In fact, as one point, John and I had
three of the top four books in New
Releases for weight training books -
which means that our kind of old-
fashioned, back to the basics, no
nonsense strength stuff pretty
much took over for awhile.

Anyhow, I want to say THANK
YOU to everyone who stepped
up, took action, and grabbed a
copy of 100 Strength Training
Tips for Combat Athletes.

And I also want to say THANK
YOU to everyone who grabbed
one or more of my other books
over the past 72 hours - as well
as everyone who grabbed one
or more of John's books.

We really appreciate it - and we
both got a heck of a kick out of
seeing so many people step up
and support old-school, black
iron, gumption and grit strength

Of course, if you missed my earlier
announcements or didn't have a
chance to grab our books, don't
worry - you can do it right now:

100 Strength Training Tips for
Combat Athletes

Trap Bar Training Book
No. 2


Trap Bar Training Book
No. 1

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials
Kindle edition

PDF edition

Power and Health Through

Check them out - I think you'll
really like them.

And again, THANK YOU to everyone
who helped us set some personal
sales records this weekend!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You may be wondering about the
title of this email . . . . well, it's a true
story about some real world combat
stuff that happened about 50 years
ago. I'll give you the whole story in
my next email.

The "Have Fun" Rule

John Grimek (pictured above) trained for his entire life - and he always had fun in his workouts! Doing what you enjoy is one of the secrets of lifelong strength and health.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One of the most important rules of
lifelong strength and health is to do
some form of progressive strength
training on a regular and consistent

The exact type of strength training
that you choose to do is not as
important as DOING it.

In other words, don't agonize over
what kind of training is best -- and
don't argue about it in Internet
forums or on FB or Twitter or

Just find something that you like
to do -- and that requires progressive
hard work on a regular basis -- and
then do it.

Me, I like Olympic lifting.

Does that mean YOU have to do
Olympic lifting?

Heck, no.

There are tons of different things
you can do.


Strongman training.

Power rack training.

5 x 5.

Singles, doubles, or triples.




Old-school bodybuilding.

Total body workouts 3x per week.

The York courses.

Breathing squats.

Heavy partials.

Dumbbell training.

Kettlebell training.

Bodyweight training.


Specialization programs.

Grip work.

John Wood's Bone Strength program.

Trap Bar specialization.

Dino-style lugging and loading drills.

And endless combinations of the above.

Heck, you can go out in the woods and
run up and down trails and lift, throw or
carry logs and rocks while the bears sit
and watch you in amazement.

Maybe one of the bears will even film
you and throw it up on the Grizzly

The point is, it's all good. It all works.

And it all keeps you strong and fit and

So find something you like to do --
and DO IT!

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S.There are tons of fun exercises and
fun workouts in these little monsters:

Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

P.S. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"Always have fun -- and always keep
on training."

 -- Brooks Kubik

Before You Leave - Check These Out! 
Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit:

Saturday, November 24, 2018

This Is Kind of Amazing!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

When you write about real world,
no nonsense strength training and
muscle building, you walk a lonely

Most of the other stuff is about
totally different stuff:



More drugs

New drugs

More supplements

New supplements

Gossip columns

Bodybuilding contests

The "latest" version of the Super
Blast Mega-Muscle Bulgarian Blitz
program - or whatever they're
calling it this week.

And so on.

And that's the world of the mass
market muscle media.

My world is much different.

There's a very small number of
people who write about MY kind
of training.

Bill Hinbern is one.

Bradley J. Steiner is another.

And John Wood is a third.

And that leads me to something that's
nothing short of amazing.

Yesterday we released my new book
on Kindle:

100 Strength Training Tips for
Combat Athletes

So last night I went over to take
a look at the sales numbers - and
the little monster was ranked No.
1 - meaning NUMERO UNO - in
new releases in the category of
weight training books.

Number 1 in less than 24 hours.

That's fast.

And it's also pretty amazing for a
book that focuses on hard and
heavy, back to the basics
strength and power training.

But here's something else that's
even more amazing.

The top six books in New Releases
for weight training books included
one by me - and two by John Wood.

That means that the old-school, hard
and heavy, roll up your sleeves, grit,
grime, dig deep, puff, pant and
perspire stuff was kicking the
heck out of all of the other the
other stuff.

In other words, the Dinos had taken

The bunnies were in full retreat.

Chrome and Fern Land was shaking
at its very core.

The Gentle Blasters were running
for cover.

John's two books in the top 6 were
on Trap Bar training. I assume you
have them, but if not, grab them -
they're very good:

Trap Bar Training Book No. 2


Trap Bar Training Book No. 1

If memory serves correctly, both
of John's books had been No. 1 in
new releases - and since they're
still in the top 6, they're still selling
like hotcakes.

And to make things even more fun,
I had another book in the No. 1
spot in Kindle's new releases just
a couple of weeks ago.

It was my book on Heavy Partials for
building strength and power:

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

Kindle edition

PDF edition

Anyhow, do us both a favor.

Help keep us in the no. 1 spot for
as long as possible - and help keep
us in the top 6 rankings for as long
as possible.

Grab any or all of our Kindle books -
leave reviews for them - read and
rank other reviews - tell your friends
and workout buddies about our
books - spread the word on social
media - and generally do everything
you can to help share the message.

Our goal is total and complete
domination - meaning that we
won't stop until strength training
is back where it needs to be - with
its original focus on the real world
stuff that gives great results as fast
and efficiently as possible.

I can't do it alone - and neither can
John Wood - but with your help, we
can all do it together.

Thanks - and happy reading!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Weight Training and Budo

Brand new from Dinosaur Training - with tons of great training tips - hard hitting workouts - and super-effective training programs. Good stuff for anyone interested in building real world strength and power.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

When I was a kid, there were very
few sources of training advice - and
most of what you could find was the
standard bodybuilding stuff.

How to build 20" upper arms in record

How to sculpt barn-door lats and build
gladiator pecs.

Horseshoe triceps.

Cannonball delts.

Baseball biceps.

Washboard abs.

Bombing, blasting and blitzing.

That kind of stuff.

But I was lucky enough to find the
better strength training and muscle
building magazines - Bob Hoffman's
Strength and Health and Muscular
Development - and Peary Rader's
wonderful Iron Man magazine.

And in them, I found articles by a
man named Bradley J. Steiner.

Steiner was a a martial arts teacher.

Or more accurately - he taught real
world, no BS self defense.

The kind of stuff that really works.

Not the fancy stuff.

The stuff that works.

He also taught real world strength
training and muscle building.

And he even wrote articles about
how to combine the two - in other
words, how to build rugged combat
strength and conditioning.

One of those articles appeared in Bob
Hoffman's Strength and Health.

If memory serves correctly, it was
titled Weight Training and Budo -
and it was a pretty good article.

It was also very unusual - because
back then (almost 50 years ago) -
very few martial artists did weight

Heck, back then, very few athletes
did weight training.

Which was GREAT for those who
did. It was their secret weapon.

I should say OUR secret weapon -
because I used Steiner's training
ideas to make myself a better

It worked, too.

I won a state championship in
Greco-Roman wrestling - and
that's a pretty good testament
to the effectiveness of combining
the right kind of strength training
with your combat training.

Anyhow, it's many long years down
the Road of Life - and yesterday, I
released a new book that teaches
a lot of what I learned in those old
articles by Bradley J. Steiner.

How to train for combat sports.
It's a complete course - with real
world, no nonsense training advice -
and tons of great workouts and
training programs.

It's available in a Kindle edition -
and you can grab it right here:

Sprint on over and grab a copy
right now - and have fun with
it - and with the workouts in it!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Friday, November 23, 2018

Brand New from Dinosaur Training!

Here's something brand new from Dinosaur Training - with tons of great workouts and training programs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We just released something new
for you.

It's a book that covers strength
training for combat athletes -
meaning that it features training
programs and workouts for:

MMA training




Jiu Jitsu


Other martial arts

Self defense training



And anything else that requires
functional strength and fighting
fitness for combat.

Of course, everyone else can use
the programs and the workouts -
because they build a superb balance
of strength, power, fitness and con-

It's at the Kindle bookstore - and
you can find it right here:

Sprint on over and grab a

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Power of Positive Thinking (Part 1)

Like all great champions, John Davis learned what worked best for him - and then trained with total and complete confidence to achieve his goals.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Earlier this year - about six or seven months
ago - a longtime Dino here in Louisville
decided to go on a special training program
to build strength and muscle mass.

So he sat down with some of my books and
courses - and back issues of The Dinosaur
Files - and read through them very carefully.

He made careful notes, and started to put
together a list of things to try.

He also reviewed his training journals to
see what had worked best for him in the

And he studied everything he could find
about Doug Hepburn, reasoning that if
anyone knew how to build strength and
muscle mass, it was Doug Hepburn.

He ended up putting together a very good

It features four different workouts spread
over a period of 9 to 10 days - which gives
your body plenty of time to recover from
each session.

It includes plenty of things I teach in my
various books and courses - lots of tips
from Doug Hepburn - things he knew
from experience worked well for him -
and things that had worked well for
other Dinos.

So he figured that the program would

In fact, he KNEW it would work.

So instead of wasting time searching
the Interwebs and looking for some-
thing better - and without posting it
in a forum or discussion group and
asking other people if they thought
it would work, he just knuckled down
and started doing it.

That's an example of positive thinking.
You study, plan, work things out - and
then you go for it - confident that it
will work for you.

And work it did.

Four months later he had gained 25
pounds of solid muscle.

Today, six or seven months later, he's
added another 5 pounds of muscle. So
he's gained a total of 30 pounds in
about six or seven months.

I asked him to write up his workout to
share with other Dinos.

He did, and you can find it right here in
the November issue of The Dinosaur

Be sure to grab this issue - and check
out the program. It's a really good
strength and muscle builder.

And, as always, let me have your
thoughts and feedback about this
month's issue - and any updates on
your own training that you'd like to
share with the Dino Nation.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Take a Peek Inside the November Dinosaur Files!

Each issue of the Dinosaur Files is jam-packed with great old-school workouts and training advice for drug-free trainees - and the November 2018 issue is no exception!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We released the November issue of
The Dinosaur Files yesterday, and
Dinos around the world have been
snatching it up like hotcakes.

And that's great - because it's a
heck of an issue.

Take a peek inside:

It begins with a turbo-charged
editorial I wrote - a true story
about a dark and deadly night
on the North Atlantic - an SOS
signal - and how two very
different men on different ships
responded to the signal.

No, it's not about lifting - or sets
and reps - but it's an incredibly
strong and motivating story - and
it will get you revved up and ready
to go - and ready to respond to
any call for help you may ever

And then we turn to training - starting
with reports from our readers.

Abbreviated training - a report from a
63-year old Dino.

20-rep Trap Bar deadlifts.

Abbreviated workouts and aging joints.

An update from a 74-year old Dino and
how he trains.

A report from a man who found what
works for him training-wise.

And more:

The vitamin everyone over age 50 needs
to take. (Do you know what it is?)

Some very bad advice that could kill you -
or make you very sick - and how to avoid
falling for it. (Advice that I fell for - and
that you probably fell for if you're my
age. Heck, you may STILL be falling for

A simple "stay busy/stay active" program
that I use every day here at Dino Head-

A detailed report by one of our readers on
his special training program to build strength
and muscle mass - and how he used it to
gain 25 pounds of solid muscle in just
months. Exercises, workouts, sets,
reps - it's all here - the whole thing - every
detail covered in full.

A salute to one of our recently departed
Dinos - a man who began following my
work way back in 1996 when I first pub-
lished Dinosaur Training - and how his
tradition lives on.

A detailed article from a cancer survivor
about how to keep on training after cancer
or other major illness - with information
you won't see anywhere else - and things
the medical community doesn't even
begin to understand.

And finally - a special "do it anywhere"
workout to use when you're traveling -
as many of you will be next week at
Thanksgiving time.

In short, it's a great issue - and you can
find it right here:

Happy reading!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Here's How to Gain 25 Pounds of Solid Muscle - Super Fast!

We have some big breaking news for Dinos - and a terrific new training program that one of our Dinos used to pack on 25 pounds of solid muscle in just four months.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!
I'll cut right to the chase.

We just released the November issue of
The Dinosaur Files, and it includes a
terrific article by one of our longtime
Dinos who went on a special weight
gaining and strength building program
earlier this year - and gained a whopping
25 pounds of muscle.

He gives you his exact program:

Four different workouts.

How he scheduled his workouts (which
was one of the secrets of his success).





Weight increases.

Full range movements.

Partial movements.

His preferred equipment - and options
if you have other equipment you want
to use..
program - not a muscle pumping
program - so it builds plenty of
real-world strength and power.

And you can use it as a strength and
power program if you don't want or
add any more muscle mass - just do
the program and don't eat as much.

In short, it's a really good program.

And, of course, there are other
great articles and workouts in
the November issue.

Here's the link - go ahead and grab

As always - let me know how you
like this month's issue!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Monday, November 12, 2018

Are Five Work Sets Too Much?

Having fun hitting some old-school split style snatches in the outdoor training area here at Dino Headquarters.After more than 50 years of training, each workout is still fun, fresh and enjoyable.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk iron.

1.The John Wood Report, No. 5

Issue no. 5 of The John Wood Report
was released on Friday, and I understand
that it's been selling like hotcakes.

That's no surprise, because it's a great
issue - with an update on John's Bone
Strenth Project - and a detailed look at
one of Bruce Lee's favorite forearm and
wrist training tools and how to use it for
"Dragon-level" results.

Go here to grab it:

The John Wood Report No. 5 (PDF)

2. The Sept-Oct Dinosaur Files

You'll also want to grab the Sept-Oct
issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter.

It includes plenty of excellent articles,
including one that features a killer
training program using a. strongman
yoke for heavy singles, partials and
weighted carries - along with another
article on a unique and very effective
progression system for 20-rep breathing

Go here to grab it:

Sept-Oct Dino Files (PDF)

3. "Are Five Work Sets Too Much?"

I just got an email from a reader who
does 5 x 5, using five work sets for
each exercise.

He wondered if that was too much.

Short answer:

Yes, it's probably too much work - but,
like anything else, it depends on
several different factors - and it will
probably change for you over time.

Many trainees get very good results from
ONE work set. They find that they overtrain
if they perform more than one work set -
especially in their squats and deadlifts.

These trainees do best on a 5 x 5 program
that includes four progressively heavier warm-
up sets followed by ONE work set with their
top weight for the day.

It's simple, effective, and it works great for

Other trainees do well with TWO or even
THREE work sets. But three is the limit for
most trainees, unless they're doing very low
reps (singles, doubles or triples).

Your age is also an important factor.

As a general rule, older trainees do better
with fewer work sets. So what works best
for you may change over time.

If you do five work sets, you need to follow
an ultra-abbreviated training program. Limit
yourself to one or two exercises per workout.
You won't be able to do justice to more than

And here's a thought: If one, two or three
work sets do the job for you, why do more
than that?

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more straight talk on sets, reps and
real, world, no-nonsense strength training,
grab Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1:




2.  My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: 

"Three words: less is more."

 -- Brooks Kubik

Before You Leave - Check These Out! 
Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit: