Sunday, January 27, 2019

10 Reasons for Older Dinosaurs to Keep on Training

I've been hitting the iron for over 50 years now - and I plan to keep on going for a very long time!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I was talking with a guy I used to
work with but haven't seen for a
number of years.

He asked me if I was still training.

The answer, of course, is "Yes, I am --
three times a week, as regular as

"But aren't you getting a little old for this
weightlifting stuff?" he asked.

"I'm older, but training keeps me young,"
I told him.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 62."

And that's when I got the "are you kidding
me?" looks.  That's because I don't look 62.

Which is part of what I mean about weight
training keeping you young.

Bob Hoffman was saying this back in the 1930's,
but scientists, physicians and everyone else didn't
believe him. In fact, the conventional wisdom back
then was that weight training would probably kill

Everyone other than Bob Hoffman and a small
handful of others told you NOT to do it.

As in, NEVER.

Not under ANY circumstances.

And that anti-weight training bias lasted a very
long time. It was still around when I was in high
school. Many of the coaches refused to let their
athletes train with weights. They thought it would
ruin them.

But recent research has established that Hoffman
was right.

Weight training -- or any kind of progressive
strength training -- is good for you. It keeps
you strong, fit and healthy at any age. And it's
probably the best thing around for older adults.
Recent research has confirmed the following:

1. Progressive weight training increases bone
density and bone strength in older adults.

2. Progressive weight training improves balance,
mobility and coordination in older adults.

3. Muscular strength is associated with a 30 to
40 percent decrease in cancer mortality among
older men.

4. Progressive strength training improves brain
function in older adults.

6. Muscle mass is associated with healthy aging
and lower mortality in older men -- and weight
training helps you build or maintain muscle mass
at any age.

7. Progressive strength training stimulates your
body's production of male hormones -- and
maintaining high levels of male hormones helps
keep you young, strong, vigorous and healthy.
In other words, the medical world is discovering
"what Iron Slingers have known for many years --
and what Bob Hoffman wrote about back in the

Progressive strength training is the best
thing in the world for older adults.

So give yourself a pat on the back for having
figured this out before the science honchos --
and keep on training!

Oh, and before I forget, here are three more
reasons to keep on hitting the iron:

8. It's fun.

9. It makes you feel better.

10. It makes you younger and stronger --
because strength is life, and stronger is

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the best book
ever written on effective strength training for
anyone in the age 35 and up category:

I also did a terrific mini-course with an all-new
workout for older trainees. It's available in PDF
with immediate electronic download:

2.  My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"Lifting iron keeps you from rusting away."

 -- Brooks Kubik

Before You Go . . . . Take a Look at These:

Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit:

Friday, January 11, 2019

Straight Talk on Getting Back Into Training

Would you believe that World and Olympic champion John Davis once had to get back into training after a long lay-off? It's true - because he couldn't train much at all during World War II - but when he got home and started to hit the iron, things started to happen fast!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note, and then we'll talk training.

1. This Is Amazing!

We released my new training book in the
Kindle bookstore on Nov 25, and the little
monster raced up to be No. 1 in New
Releases in Weight Training in record
time - as in, just 24 hours.

It also made it to no. 1 in New releases in
Martial Arts books - and sports training -
and several other categories.

That was pretty amazing - but I'm not really
surprised - because it's an excellent course.

So sprint on over and grab a copy!

100 Strength Training Tips for
Combat Athletes

Also - if you already have a copy, pls
leave a review on our Kindle page. The
reviews really help us.

And, of course, I want to say THANK
YOU to everyone who stepped up and
grabbed a copy. I really appreciate it.

2. Getting Back Into Training the

I got an email from a longtime Dino who
has always been gung ho about his

But then things happened.

Some injuries.

A very tough, super stressful job.

Caring for an elderly parent in very poor

Family responsibilities.


You know the drill.

It happens to all of us. And it makes it
really tough to keep on training. Even if
we do keep hitting the iron, it's hard to
make much progress - and often, it's
hard or impossible to avoid the dings
and dents that seem to like to hit us
when things are at their toughest.

And so our super-enthusiastic, life-
long Dino got out of the training
habit . . . . and time passed, and
one day he realized it had been a
very long time since he got in a

In fact, he couldn't remember the
last time he trained.

Of course, that wasn't acceptable.

He's a Dino - not a quitter. And he
knew he had to get started again.

But he wasn't sure what to do - or
how to do it.

So he asked me what to do.

I gave him a couple of pointers, and
I think they helped him - and now I
want to share them with the rest of

So here are some tips on getting
started again after a long lay-off.

1. Do Something You Really

If you're getting back into training,
choose exercises, equipment and
workouts that you really enjoy.

Make it easy on yourself.

If you do the things you like, you'll
have a much easier time getting in-
to the groove and staying with it.

2. Start Light and Easy!

This is critical - especially if (like our
longtime Dino) the reason you stopped
training. was because of work, job,
or family issues that caused (and are
possibly still causing) a ton of stress.

The very last thing you need when Life
has been kicking you around is to jump
into some over the top, super tough,
balls to the wall training program.

Start light and easy. It makes it  

easier to get back into the training
mode - and it helps


in avoiding the crippling muscular sore-
ness and injuries that can result from
jumping into an overly ambitious
training program.

Here's a good rule of thumb:

Write up a very short, simple workout -
and then cut the volume in half - and
drop the projected weights in half -
and start THERE - at 50% of "easy" -
and work up from there.

Of course, you don't need to take it
easy forever - but a month or two of
easy training to get you back on the
road to lifelong hard and heavy
training is a very smart thing to do.

3. Make Your Training Progressive.

One reason to start light and easy is
that it allows you to make regular and
steady increases in your reps, sets and

In other words, it allows you to see plenty
of measurable progress - and seeing plenty
of regular progress is one of the very best
ways to keep your motivation as high as

As I said, I think those tips helped him -
and I know that they'll help YOU if you
need to get back into it!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are three very good courses to
help get you back into the training mode.
They're available in PDF with immediate
electronic delivery - so you don't have to
wait more than a couple of seconds to
start reading them and putting them to

Dinosaur Strength and Power Course
No. 1 - Hepburn Style Arm Training

How to build big and strong upper arms -
as part of a complete strength and power
program - using the training methods of
World Champion Doug Hepburn.

Dinosaur Strength and Power Course
No. 2 - Heavy Partials

A complete training program using heavy
partials to build maximum strength as
fast and effectively as possible.

Dinosaur Strength and Power Course
No. 3 - A 12- Week Bodyweight

An all-new, fun and exciting program of
bodyweight training - featuring simple,
easy to do exercises - perfect for home
gym training - and a great way to get
back into the groove.

The program includes a week by week
progression system that takes you from
beginner to beast in 12 weeks.

You can find the links to all three courses
right here:

Dinosaur Strength and Power

Sprint on over and grab one or more
of them - read them, use them, and
enjoy them - and get ready for some
serious gains in strength and muscle!

25 Good Ones for Kindle Fans!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I know that many of you are
big Kindle fans - and I also
know that a cold weekend is
the perfect time to grab a
book or two and do some
reading - hopefully in front
of the fireplace!

So here's a reminder.

Dino Training has moved from
the Jurassic era to the 21st

We're offering our books and
courses on Kindle, as well as in
hard-copy and PDF format.

Not all of our books are available
in Kindle editions yet, but many
are - and that includes some
good ones.

More than 25 of them.

There are so many that we
put together a special page
for them.

It has all of our latest e-books -
with links to all of them.

They include many back issues of
The Dinosaur Files.

100 Strength Training Secrets for
Combat Athletes

Dinosaur Strength and Power Course
No. 2 - Heavy Partials

The Dinosaur Training Military
Press and Shoulder Power

The Training Secrets of John

The Doug Hepburn Strengh
and Muscle Building System
Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vols.
1, 2 and 3

All four issues of The Dinosaur
Files Quarterly

The Dinosaur Strength Training

Legacy of Iron

Legacy of Iron 2 - Clouds of

Dinosaur Arm Training

Brooks Kubik's Strength Training
Q and A

And much more.

Go here to check out the
complete list:

These are a great way to
set up a portable strength
training library, so that you
can read about the Iron
pretty much anywhere
and everywhere.

Note: You do NOT need a
Kindle reader to enjoy these
great books and courses.

Amazon offers a free app that
let's you read Kindle books on
any device.

You can find the app on every
sales page for every book in
the Kindle bookstore.

So stay warm - and happy reading!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Here's the link again . . .
Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit:

A Question About Heavy Partials - and My Answer!

I've been getting tons of questions about my new training course on heavy partials - so here's the latest one - and my answer to it!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I hope this email finds you strong,
healthy and powering forward into
the New Year!

And speaking of powering forward -
one of our longtime Dinos - age 72 -
asked if he should try my new course
on heavy partials.

I should note, by the way, that he's
an experienced trainee. He started
training at age 12, and he's been
hitting the iron pretty much ever

So, back to his question . . . should
he give heavy partials a try?

The short answer is YES - but as with
anything else, you need to use some
good old-fashioned common sense.

When you begin doing heavy partials:

1. Start light.

2. Learn the movements and the best
rack positions before you begin to pile
on the weight.

3. Train progressively - with small but
steady increases in weight on the bar.

4. Always warm-up thoroughly before
doing heavy partials.

5. If a particular movement hurts when
you do it - find a different exercise for
the same body part. You can always
find an alternative exercise that works
just as well or even better.

If you do heavy partials the right way,
as outlined above, they should work
fine for you at any age. In fact, many
older Dinos find that they work better
than anything else - and that it's much
easier to recover from your workouts.

And, of course, heavy partials do a
heck of a lot for bone strength and
bone mass - which is very important
for our age 50-plus Dinos.

Anyhow, I think our age-72 Dino
should try my heavy partials program -
but as noted above, I want him to be
smart about it - and use his brain, not
his ego, to dictate his poundages and
his workouts.

You can grab the program right here:

PDF edition

Kindle edition

Happy reading , and happy training -
and as always, keep me posted on
your results!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

A Great New Training Program for 2019!

We've got something fun, new and different for Dinos. Read today's Blog post for the details!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

If you're looking for a great new
training program for 2019, I've
got just what you need.

It's a brand new Bodyweight Training
course - and you can find it right here -
along with links to some of my other
new courses from earlier in the year:

The new course has a ton of info.


Sets and reps.

Special tips on how to modify your
exercises to get maximum benefit
from them.

Fun photos showing some of my
favorite exercises.

Questions and answers.

A special new workout.

A complete 12-week training program
that includes week to week progression.

You start out slow and easy, gradually
ramp things up, and by the end of
the program, you're knocking it out
of the ball park in every workout.

It's a great program - fast, fun
and effective - and I know you're
going to like it.

I also know this.

If you go through the complete 12-
week program, you're going to look
and feel GREAT at the end of the
12 weeks.

Here's the link again - so sprint on
over and grab Dinosaur Strength
and Power Course No. 3:

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Bundle Up and Do Squats!

Cold weather training calls for lots of layers. Stay warm out there!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's been cold as heck here in Louisville -
and the same is true across much of the
world right now.

And that means it's time to bundle up and
do squats.

Or deadlifts.

Or presses.

Or push-ups and pull-ups.

Or the farmer's walk.

Or go for a nice long walk.

Or whatever.

The important thing is to do something
physical - stay active - keep moving -
and get your blood flowing.

Trudi and I went for a nice walk yesterday.

We wore triple layers on top - and double
socks - and scarves, hats and warm gloves.

It was cold, but the sun was out and it
felt great.

So I decided to set up shop outside and
do some old-fashioned split style snatches
to earn my dinner.

That's the only way I can do overhead
lifting because the basement ceiling is
too low for presses, snatches and clean
and jerks. Not sure who designed the
place, but he obviously wan't a lifter.

Trudi understands. She didn't even try to
talk me out of it.

"Sounds like fun!" she said.

So I re-bundled in double layers of sweats,
and went out and set things up for a nice
little workout.

I miscalculated a bit because the clouds
came out and covered the sun almost
the minute I got started - and then the
wind kicked up - and pretty soon it was
downright chilly.

I would do a lift, and then retreat back
into the garage, blow on my hands, and
then go out and do the next lift.

And as you might imagine, I sure as heck
didn't rest very long between lifts.

I didn't go heavy - that would not have
been wise in cold weather - but I trained -
and I had fun - and that's the important

Anyhow, wherever you are, bundle up
and get in a good workout. It doesn't
matter what you do - just do it.

It will make all the difference in the world.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We've been getting a lot of orders for
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training and Dinosaur
Bodyweight Training. Those are good choices -
and they'll give you plenty of ideas for fast,
fun and effective workouts in 2018:

Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

P.S. My other books and courses -
and links to all of my e-books on Kindle
- are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 2. Thought for the Day:

"First, last and foremost - train!"

- Brooks Kubik

Before You Leave - Check These Out! 
Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit: