Friday, October 29, 2010

The Spookiest Testimonial of All Time!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In honor of Halloween, I’m going to share with you the “Spookiest” testimonial of all time.

Back in the 50’s and 60’s, you saw ads for Hoffman’s Hi-Proteen powder and Hi-Proteen tablets in every issue of Strength and Health. Many of the ads featured eye-catching photos of a heavily muscled John Grimek – which was interesting, because Grimek retired from competition long before Hi-Proteen hit the market.

In fact, the big four-pound box of Hi-Proteen powder – which was one of the ones I bought (coconut flavor, thank you) – featured John Grimek, the 1940 and 1941 Mr. America – Jules Bacon, the 1943 Mr. America – and Steve Stanko, the 1944 Mr. America. All of whom built their muscles long before Hi-Proteen made its appearance.

But we all ignored minor details like that – and we read the ads over and over until we memorized them – and we read the testimonials – and we thrilled to the exploits of Spooky the Wonder Dog.

Yes, there was a testimonial from a dog named Spooky. Or at least, he was mentioned in his owner’s testimonial.

It went like this:

“Please send a Mr. America box of 2,000 tablets as soon as possible. The last order was just great. I gained 12 pounds of solid muscle and my police dog ‘Spooky’ gained 7 pounds. He barks every time he sees me eat some. Smart dog. We both love those tablets.

Jim Sherwood”

I have to admit it. Spooky was one heck of a dog. So in honor of Spooky – and Hi-Proteen tablets – make your next workout an especially good one!

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Spooky would have enjoyed Dinosaur Training – especially the chapter on training with heavy awkward objects. If you don’t already have a copy, check it on the Dinosaur Training website and see what you’re missing!