Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dinosaur Training Updates (Including an Update on Our Wounded Dino)

Couple of quick updates:

1. Autographed copies of books.

I’m always happy to autograph any book or course your order – but you need to ask! If you order using the on-line system, there’s a box for Special Instructions – so include a request for an autograph there.

2. Feedback on books and courses

We’re always looking for feedback from readers – so send an email and let us know how you like our books and courses!

3. Our Wounded Dino

Jeff, our wounded Dino, is doing great – and it’s no wonder after all the cards, letters, and care packages he received from his fellow Dinos! (Note for the newbies – Jeff is a longtime Dino who was in a bad motorcycle crash earlier in the year and had multiple broken bones and severe internal injuries that landed him in the hospital for several months.)

Here’s his latest report:

Oh man Brooks! I've been so busy -- it's actually wonderful. I've begun walking with absolutely no aid whatsoever. No walker, no cane, nothing! I'm even able to take stairs without a cane or handrail. My left hand hurts all the time. I'm not sure how bad it really is or when it will be back to normal.

I started back to work and feel great. Muscle memory -- that's what it has to be! People cannot believe how well I move. I started doing some very light rows along with some seated presses. I'm hoping to get my rack back up so I can do some chins and dips.

I think I’ll be doing squats next summer. I received a couple more boxes yesterday but have not got a chance to open them yet. It seems like now there are not enough hours in the day. I can't seem to find time to complete anything!

I'm very sorry I have not kept you updated as well as I used to. I added you on facebook today --hopefully it will be easier now.

I will open my fossils here shortly yet tonight and see what new dino friends I have made. Also, ill get a new round of pics for you!

What injury,

Note: If you want to send a card or letter (or a book or magazine or anything else to read) to Jeff, shoot it to me at the following address:

Brooks Kubik Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 4426
Louisville, Ky 40204

I’ll forward them on to him.

4. We’re on Facebook!

We’re on Facebook now, and you can follow us at:

5. December Dino Files!

I’m working on the December issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter today – and I need photos and feedback from Dinos – so please send them on in!

6. Cold Weather Training

It’s wet and cold and and gray and gloomy here in Louisville – so when I train today, I’m going to bundle up in layers and top things off with a Gray Hair and Black Iron sweatshirt. You can grab one right here – they work pretty well for those cold weather workouts:

7. My Winter Garden

I put everything under mini-greenhouses made out of conduit pipe and heavy plastic – and so far, the veggies are holding up well. I go out in the morning, flip back the plastic covers, and harvest fresh spinach and salad greens. It makes a heck of an addition to the daily diet – nothing beats fresh, homegrown veggies for vitamins, minerals and nutrition – as well as taste.

8. Holiday Orders

We usually end up filling orders right up until the very last minute. Last year, we sent out so many late orders that we overloaded Santa’s sleigh and Rudolph, Donner and Blixen got hung up on the telephone wire across from the house. So get those orders in as soon as possible this year!

9. What Would You Like to See?

Let us know what you’d like to see us cover in 2011 – in books, courses or DVD’s. It always helps to hear from you. For example, several readers have expressed interest in something on basic Olympic lifting. How many of you would like to see that?

10. Dumbbell Training

This morning’s post talked about heavy dumbbell presses. That reminds me, I covered HEAVY dumbbell training in this little monster – it’s an oldie, but a goodie!

That wraps things up. Remember, if you want an autograph on something you order, just let me know!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik