Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Important Updates for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Seven quickies:

1. Follow us on Facebook:


2. The November Dino Files – are printed and will be mailed tomorrow. It’s another great issue. Be looking for it!

3. The feedback for my interview on Super Human Radio is off the charts: 113 reviews – 17 comments – and a solid five star (the highest) rating. If you missed it, you can listen to the entire interview right here:


4. Dinosaur Training Hoodies? Would you like them? Let me know!

5. Very important – we’re putting together a special mailing for folks who live in the USA or Canada and (and possibly other countries, depending on the cost of mailing) who purchased Dinosaur Training products from November 2005 to the present. If that includes you and you’ve moved during that time, please shoot me an email w/ your current mailing address. Thanks!

6. Would you like us to work up some new designs for Dinosaur Training t-shirts and sweatshirts? If you are -- shoot me an email and let me know!

7. Legacy of Iron 4 is being printed and should be ready to ship in about three weeks. I’ll put up a sales page and let you pre-order the little monster. I will warn you now that this one is probably the fastest movie and most exciting book in the series so far – and once you pick it up, you won’t be able to put it down.

That’s it for updates – thanks for reading!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik