Thursday, November 4, 2010

More Training Tips for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then let’s talk training.

The November Dino Files were mailed on Tuesday – so if you subscribe, you’ll be getting your issue soon. Please shoot me an email when it arrives, and another one after you’ve had a chance to read it. It always helps to get your thoughts and feedback.

Second, my interview on Super Human Radio is getting off the chart ratings. Currently, there are 125 ratings, which is a huge number – and we’re getting a solid 5 stars (the top rating). If you’ve not had a chance to listen to the interview, you can find it on the Super Human Radio site:

Now, to get to training.

A number of you follow divided workout schedules, where you use several different workouts and alternate between them. For example:

Mon – Squats and bench press

Wed – Standing press and bent-over row

Fri – Deadlifts, curls and close grip bench press

I’ve been talking about Irregular Training and about hitting one heavy day per week, and training lighter on your other days. So the question arises, how do you do this if you use a divided workout schedule?

There are several different ways to do it.

1. Alternate your heavy workout from week to week. For example, your Monday workout would be your heavy workout in week one, your Wednesday workout would be your heavy workout in week two, and your Friday workout would be your heavy workout in week three.

2. Train one exercise heavy in each workout, and rotate them. For example, in week one, you might train squats heavy on Monday and bench press light or medium heavy. You would reverse that the following week. Your other training days would follow the same pattern.

3. Alternate light, medium and heavy weeks. In other words, train everything light in week one, medium in week two, and heavy in week three. Then start over again.

Now, I KNOW that what I’ve just described doesn’t exactly fit the classic version of Irregular Training – but that’s because Irregular Training as originally conceived by Bob Hoffman was designed for total body workouts. If you use divided workouts, you need to change things a bit.

The IMPORTANT thing is to grasp the fundamental principle of Irregular Training – which is simply to train heavy some days, medium heavy on other days and light on other days. As I’ve said before, it’s not rocket science.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day – and if you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Broooks Kubik

P.S. We have back issues of The Dinosaur Files newsletter from May 2010 forward – so if you subscribe now, we’ll start your subscription as of May 2010 and send all of the back issues to get you started. That way, you’ll have the entire collection. You can subscribe to the Dinosaur Files at the Dinosaur Training website at