Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chalk and Sweat Feedback!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

First of all, it’s a Holiday tradition here at Dinosaur Headquarters to share a Christmas story with you. I have one going on the Dinosaur Training Blog. Part One went up yesterday. Part Two will go up later today.

Second, let me share some feedback on Chalk and Sweat from the lucky Dinos who received their copy of the little monster on Monday – which means, by the way, that it shipped by pterodactyl mail, because we launched it on Friday. So Trudi’s shipping service has been spectacular!

“Thanks for the remarkably rapid delivery of Chalk and Sweat and the Doug Hepburn book -- all beautifully inscribed as well! It was in my PO
Box this afternoon (Monday), after last Friday's order. Your
efficiency is inspirational (along with your training, and writing). -- Peter

Peter – Thanks for your feedback. The efficiency in the shipping is 100% Trudi’s doing. I just sign the books for those who want a signed copy. (Actually, I spent all day signing books on Friday and Saturday – talk about writer’s cramp!) -- Brooks

“I want to first start by saying thank you for writing Chalk and Sweat,
it's incredible. I just received it today and began truly training like a dinosaur. My first day I started with the beginner barbell workout No. 1, however, finding it a little easier than anticipated I blended some of the intermediate practices and turned it into a 5 x 5 workout. It was downright killer. I was sweating more than I ever have and was struggling to stay standing between sets. It was freaking great. Thank you for showing me what true hard work is. – Adam

Adam – Good job, but if you are a true beginner, start light and build up progressively as detailed in Chalk and Sweat. Take the time to build a really strong foundation for future gains! – Brooks

“I ordered Chalk and Sweat Friday night and received it today. I've been dying all weekend to read it and was expecting to have to wait a week or more because of the holidays so I was excited to find it in the mail. I've looked it over briefly and it looks great. I think I'll be up late reading it. Also thanks for signing it for me.” -- Dan Shorten

Dan – Thanks for your feedback, and I’m glad the book got there so soon. Keep me posted on your training and your progress as you work through the programs in the book. – Brooks

“I received your new book, Chalk and Sweat today, thank you for signing it. You and Trudi have a Merry Christmas! You certainly have earned it after all you have accomplished this year!” -- Carl Windle

Carl – Wow, that was FAST delivery. Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for your kind words. I’ll let Trudi take the day off on Christmas, and will try to limit myself to half a day of writing. (Need to finish up the January issue of the Dinosaur Files newsletter.) Brooks

Received Chalk and Sweat in morning mail! Anxious to read it! Question: How often do you change your exercises?” – Ben Mitcham

Ben – Pterodactyl Mail works fast, doesn’t it? Enjoy the book, and send me an email after you read it – let me know how you like the little monster. As for changing exercises – I keep things pretty much the same now. At age 53, I have found what works best for me right now, and I tend to stick to it. – Brooks

“Hi Brooks, Just received Chalk and Sweat. Can't believe it came so quickly. The photo of John Davis is perfect for constant inspiration. Well, even a quick scan let's me know that this book is another winner. I remember reading a little paper back by Jack Lalanne about 30 yrs ago. He had such an enthusiastic way of writing that I was watering at the mouth as he described making a salad. I wanted to go and eat one immediately. You have that same way of presenting training routines. They just seem so right. You want to go out and do them. I will have to be careful and only read it 2x week or I will be into overtraining. Thanks again. Wishing you, Trudi and family the very best for this holiday season and the coming year. – Peter Yates

Peter – That really was fast delivery – very good to hear about it. I appreciate your feedback about the book. I will remember this when I sit down to my lunch today – which will include a fresh green salad, as it always does! – Brooks

There you have it. Some massive feedback from the Dinos. If you’ve ordered Chalk and Sweat, shoot me an email when you get it and let me know what you think.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a GREAT day! If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can grab your copy of Chalk and Sweat right here at the Dinosaur Training bookstore:
