Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Questions and Answers for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I thought you might like to see some short questions and answers today. Here’s what’s been coming in the door lately.

1. Is it okay to use deadlifts as your primary lower body movement rather than squats?

Absolutely! Back in the 40’s, a top strongman specialized on nothing but deadlifts – performed every 4 or 5 days with different set/rep schemes – and gained 20 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks – and ended up setting a world record in the deadlift.

2. I’m an older lifter, and my knees always swell up and get sore after I do squats. What should I do?

This is a common problem, which I cover in detail in Gray hair and Black Iron. In short – squat 1x per week only. Reduce your reps. Cycle your weights. Use Tommy Kono knee bands. If nothing works, replace squats with deadlifts or Trap bar deadlifts.

3. What do you think about the clean and press?

It’s a terrific exercise! John Grimek used to say that if you could only do one exercise, do the clean and press. I often use it as a one-exercise workout. It hits everything from your toes to your eyeballs.

4. Why do you tell people to use thick handled barbells for deadlifts and other exercises? You can’t lift as much with a thick handled bar, so you are defeating the whole purpose of training.

Ixnay on the egative-nay aves-way. (Classic movie reference rendered in pig latin – who can catch it?)

Train with a regular bar, and then finish things off with thick bar work for your grip. For example, do deadlifts with a regulation size bar, and then do deadlifts with a double overhand grip to work your grip.

A thick bar is a great tool, but like any other tool, you need to use it the right way.

5. Who is your favorite Iron Game author?

Wow, that’s tough – there are so many great ones. The list would include:

Harry Paschall

Bradley J. Steiner

Dr. Ken Leistner

Arthur Jones

Bob Hoffman

George F. Jowett

Alan Calvert

Peary Rader

Jim Schmitz

Tommy Kono

And many, many more.

6. When is the next issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter coming out?

I just did the final edits this morning, and it should be printed today and (hopefully) mailed tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted as I have more detailed information.

7. What happened with the contest to guess the title of your new book?

We had several readers guess the correct title – and several hundred who did not. I’ve been busy with the Harry Paschall memorial Fund, but I’ll send an email with an update on the new book very shortly.

8. Are you sending emails every day? I’m not getting them.

Sometimes the emails don’t get through to everyone – which is the result of some sort of crazy cyberspace thing. I am posting all daily emails on the Dinosaur Training Blog, which you can access from the front page of the Dinosaur Training website. So if you miss an email, look for the Blog to stay current. You can also follow me on Facebook – I always link to the Dinosaur Training Blog through Facebook.

If you stop getting emails, you may need to sign back up for them. Sometimes you email filter blocks them for no real reason, and if this happens a certain number of times, you drop off the list.

But do whatever you need to do to keep current – because we have LOTS of new developments at Dino HQ – and much more coming to you this year and in coming years.

9. When is your new book coming out?

Stay tuned – very, very soon.

10. What do you think about Indian clubs?

I think LIGHT Indian clubs are a terrific tool for training and rehabbing your shoulders – and for keeping your shoulders healthy and mobile. So does Tommy Kono – and when a two Olympic Gold medalist likes something, that speaks volumes.

That wraps it up for this morning. As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We’ve been getting tons of orders and great feedback on these two books: