Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Synchronize Your Watches!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

There’s a truck that’s working its way south to Louisville – and it’s loaded with something like 1,000 pounds of books.

It’s Chalk and Sweat – and it’s getting here early, which is amazing. I worked like heck to get Chalk and Sweat finished and to the printer in time to “possibly – perhaps – maybe – cross your fingers “ get the books in time to shoot them out and have them arrive in time for Christmas.

But we had the usual last minute glitches, and it didn’t look like it was going to happen.

But now it does – at least for those of you in the USA – and perhaps for others, as well. It will depend a bit on the weather, and how much the winter storms, snow and ice, slow things down.

But in any event – the little monster is going to be here very soon – and I’m really excited about it.

Many of you have been asking when you can order Chalk and Sweat. The answer is – beginning at 9:00 on Friday morning.

If you take a look at the Chalk and Sweat page on the website, you’ll see that we have a countdown timer on the page – and it’s counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds.

At 8:59:00 the counter is going to tick away the very last minute – and then you’re going to see something new pop up – and you’re going to learn all about Chalk and Sweat and be able to place your order right then and there.

So – synchronize your watches – get ready – get set – and be ready to spring into action at 9:00 on Friday morning.

I’m calling it Operation Chalk and Sweat – and I’m expecting the Dinosaur Army to step forward and take action at 9:00 on Friday morning.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day. If you train today, stay warm – and make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here’s the Chalk and Sweat page and the countdown clock: