Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Very Interesting Workout!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I saw an interesting workout on the Go Heavy Olympic Lifting Discussion Board. It was posted by Ron Millard, a 73 year old lifter who just won the 94 kilo class in the age 70 – 74 division at the American Masters Open. I wanted to share it with you because it’s got some very intriguing possibilities, especially for older lifters.

It certainly works well for Ron. He posted a 50 kilo (110 pound snatch) and a 75 kilo (165 pound) clean and jerk – which is excellent lifting for a 73 year old.

Ron uses this program during the week before competition. It’s not intended as a strength-building program. It’s more of a speed, technique, maintenance and conditioning program. Ron uses it to cut weight for contests. He can cut two to four pounds in one week without losing strength and without dieting – and he feels rested, revved up and rarin’ to go on contest day.

Ron bases the program on his one rep max. So, for example, 60% means 60% of his current top lift for one rep.

The Program (3x per week)

1. Lots of stretching and warm-ups

2. Snatch 50% x 2 x 10 reps, 60 % x 2 x 8 reps, 65% x 2 x 6 reps

3. Clean and jerk – same sets, reps and percentages, but do one jerk per set (after completing all of the cleans).

Ron takes fairly long rests between sets, and completes the entire program in about one hour.

This is similar to some of the programs in Gray Hair and Black Iron – and for those of you who know how to perform Olympic lifts, it’s a pretty good conditioning program for any lifter, at any age. And for older lifters, it’s a VERY good program. Remember, after a certain age, training your heart is a heck of a lot more important than training your biceps.

If you don’t know how to perform Olympic lifts, or if you don’t care to perform them, try standing presses and your choice of squats or deadlifts. Another good combo would be the dumbbell clean and press combined with squats or deadlifts.

Also, note that you could alternate the conditioning workout with heavier sessions where you work on building strength and power – again, as detailed in Gray Hair and Black Iron.

As always, thanks for reading – and have a great day! If you train today, make it a good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I wrote Gray Hair and Black Iron for older lifters – age 35 and up – but it’s great for younger lifters as well. Many chapters, over 50 detailed workouts, much information, diet and nutrition advice, and much more. Good stuff! Many readers say it’s their favorite strength training book. If you don’t already have a copy, I strongly urge you to grab one now!
