Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The "How Long do I Rest?" Question

No, we're not really in radio silence
mode -- but I AM very bust working on
a new project, and trying to finish
writing it this month.

So I'm late with today's email message,
and I'm going to have to keep it fairly

While we're here, though, let's cover
a training question.

A reader asked how long to rest between
sets of singles.

Well, there's no right or wrong answer, other

If you're doing rest-pause reps, as I
detail in Strength, Muscle and Power,
you rest 5 to 30 seconds between reps.

If you do heavy singles, as I detail in
Dinosaur Training and the Doug Hepburn
training course, you rest longer between

You take shorter rests between warm-up sets
and longer rests between work sets.

The heavier the weight on the bar, the longer
the rest. Two to three minutes between heavy
singles is NOT too long of a rest.

The important thing is to keep your focus -- to
maintain your concentration -- and to stay warm.
If you lose focus or if you cool down, you are
resting too long.

And as a general rule -- you need less rest between
snatches, clean and press or clean and jerk -- and
more rest between squats and deadlifts. That's one of
the differences between the fast lifts and the

But no matter what you do, you should be able to get
a GREAT workout in well under an hour.

Hope that helps, and as always, have a great day. If
you train today, make it a good one!

And now -- I'm back to work on the new project!

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more about how to use heavy singles and rest
pause training, grab a copy of Strength, Muscle and
