Tuesday, February 8, 2011

That 110 Pound Barbell Set!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In response to yesterday’s email, I rec’d a ton of emails from older readers who still remember – or still own – their very first 110-pound barbell set.

Here’s one from Paul Murray – who’s still going strong and hitting it 3x a week many years after he took his first steps down the path to the Iron Mountain.

“Brooks, I still have some of those Sears "Ted Williams" weights, but mine are copper-colored.

Actually, my first set of weights was black iron and came from Sutcliffe's on 4th street between Market and Jefferson. I, or rather my Mom, bought the 110 lb. set, but I talked her into investing in two additional 25's, because I was intent upon getting REALLY strong, and would NEED THAT MUCH weight! Wow! (Sutcliffe's was the local hometown sporting goods giant of the day. They were bought by Allied, which eventually surrendered to Dick's.)

I still have that set, and I guess that's because, as you pointed out, I was the one who stuck with it. My Mom was convinced the weights would be gathering dust in 2 weeks.

Thanks for the heart-warming messages and for all you do for the Iron Game. Best always.

Paul Murray”

Paul – Thanks for your feedback and kind words – and thanks for sharing the memories! And above all, thanks for sticking with it. As I said yesterday, sticking with it is the most important thing in the world.

Note to everyone – remember what I just said about sticking to it. THAT’S the secret.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day – and if you train today, make it a good one.

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. One reason I publish a monthly newsletter – the Dinosaur Files – is to help readers stick to their training. You can’t beat the Dino Files for a monthly dose of high-powered motivation. Sub now, and I’ll start your subscription as of May 2010 – so you get the back issues from May thru Jan as the first 10 issues on your subscription. That way, you’ll have the complete set:
