Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Updates for Dinosaurs!

Let's start the day with some
Dino updates:

1. The March Dino Files

The March issue of the Dino Files
newsletter was mailed yesterday.

If you subscribe, pls send me an
email when you get your issue, so
that I know how quickly it's moving
thru the mail system.

For new readers who are wondering
what The Dino Files are, pls follow
the below link and take a look:

2. Dino Files renewals

The March issue is issue no. 11 for
the first subscription year, so all
current subscriptions end in April.

The new subscription year begins with
the May 2011 issue. So it's time to

We'll be putting up a special page
on the website so you can go ahead
and renew your Dino Files subscription
on line.

Use the RENEW page for renewals.

For NEW subscriptions, use the existing

The RENEW page should be up sometime
this weekend.

3. The Dino Diet

A lot of you are asking about my diet
and want me to put together a book or
course covering the Dinosaur Diet. I
may do that if enough people are
interested, so if you are, shoot me an
email and let me know.

4. Backyard Vegetable Gardens

I'll give you a big hint about the Dino
Diet -- it includes plenty of fresh, home-
grown veggies from my back-yard garden. It's
my secret weapon for vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants, and other nutritional elements.

You'll be surprised at what you can do with
a small space -- or even some containers on
the back porch, the deck, or anywhere else
you can fit them in.

And you'll also be surprised at what a
difference plenty of home grown, 100%
organic fresh picked veggies can do for
your strength and health. (Not to mention
how good they taste compared to the mass-
produced, super-market stuff.)

5. The Dinosaur Training Blog

I post all email messages on the Dinosaur
training Blog, so if you ever miss an email,
check the Blog.

You can access the Blog from the Menu bar at
the top of the home page for the Dinosaur
Training website.

I send emails Mon - Fri and sometimes on the
weekend as well, so if you miss one -- check
the Blog!

That's it for now. I'll send a separate email
later today with some training info. Be looking
for it.

And remember -- if you sub to the Files, let me
know when the March issue arrives!

Thanks for reading, and have a great day and a
great weekend -- and if you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Yes, it's Friday, but we're always open for