Friday, March 4, 2011

No Time to Train? Try This!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Dale Dugas is working on a Masters
in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine at
New England School of Acupuncture.

Which means he spends most of his time
in school or studying for classes.

So he asked for a workout that would
let him keep up with his training in a
minimum of time.

I'll do that in a second, but let me make
one quick note. In 1952, a kid named Pete
George was in college at Ohio State
University, taking Pre-med classes so
he could go to dental school. He also
worked a regular job to cover his tuition.

He was only able to lift 3x per week, for
45 minutes to one hour per session.

But he made it count -- he won an Olympic
gold medal in weightlifting that year.

So, where there's a will, there's a way.

Dale should try this:


1. Bench press or incline press 5 x 5

2. Bent-over rowing, pull-downs or
pull-ups 5 x 5

3. 5 - 10 mins of gut, grip and neck work


1. Military press or standing DB press 5 x 5

2. Deadlifts or Trap Bar deadlifts 5 x 5

3. 5 - 10 mins of gut, grip and neck work


1. Squats or front squats 5 x 5

2. Close grip BP 5 x 5

3. BB or DB curls 5 x 5

4. 5 - 10 mins of gut, grip and neck work

For 5 x 5, Dale should start light and work up
in weight, so he does one heavy set of each

Each workout should be 45 to 60 minutes. No
dawdling, no talking, no wasting time!

And that's how to get in done when you don't have
very much time.

BTW, I've been doing the 3x per week 45 to 60 minute
thing for a very long time -- and it works GREAT!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more great workouts to use when you're
pressed for time -- or if you're simply interested
in getting great results
as fast as possible, try the following:

1. Gray Hair and Black Iron

2. Strength, Muscle and Power

3. Dinosaur Training

4. Chalk and Sweat

You can find all of them right here at the Dinosaur
Training Store: