Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Iron Game Quiz!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Test your knowledge of Iron Game
History and great strongmen and lifters
of the past:

1. Name a six-time World Weightlifting

2. Name a two-time Olympic Gold Medalist
in weightlifting.

3. Name the very first Pan-American Champion
in weightlifting in the Heavyweight Division.

4. Name a twelve-time United States National
Champion in weightlifting.

5. Name a man who held every single World and
Olympic weightlifting record in his weight class.

6. Who was unbeaten in international competition
in weightlifting for a period of 15 years?

7. Name a famous weightlifter who won World
and Olympic championships by training alone,
without a coach.

8. Name the Youngest World Weightlifting Champion.

9. Name the only man to win a World or Olympic
Weightlifting championship in three different decades.

10. Who was the first man to total 1000 pounds in the
three Olympic lifts? (Clue: Steve Stanko was the first
to do so in official competition, but this man actually
did it, an an exhibition, on not one but TWO occasions
before Stanko did so.)

11. Who was the first man to clean and jerk 400 pounds
in official competition?

12. Who is the ONLY Heavyweight lifter who was rated
the very best lifter in the entire world on a pound
for pound basis? (Note: that's truly incredible,
because pound for pound comparisons always favor
lighter men.)

13. Who was the ONLY Heavyweight champion in weight-
lifting who cold perform a one arm chin -- turn back
flips -- and perform a standing broad jump of 11 feet?

14. List a weightlifting champion from Brooklyn who
trained by himself in the basement of a neighborhood

15. Name an American weightlifting champion who was
so good that the Russians refused to enter one of their
greatest champions to compete against him.

Give up?

The answer to all of the above questions is ONE MAN --
and that's why I've written a comprehensive biography
that covers his life, his lifting and his training.

You can find it right here:

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik