Monday, April 11, 2011

The Mystery Revealed!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Everyone is wondering:

1.Where was the Mystery Gym where
they heated the place with an old-
fashioned wood-burning stove in the

2. Who is the Mystery Lifter?

3. What does the new book look like
and how can I order a copy?

Okay -- here are some answers:

1. The Mystery Gym was the South
Phillie Weightlifting Club. The
Mystery Lifter trained there in 1940
and 1941.

This tiny gym located on the second
floor of an old brick building in
Philadelphia produced TWO of the six
Gold medal winners in weightlifting
at the 1948 Olympic Games. One of them
was Frank Spellman. The other was the
Mystery Lifter.

Obviously, he trained at other places as
well over the course of his career, but
he trained at the South Phillie WLC in 1940
and 1941. You can read all about it in the
book -- because I interviewed several of
the men who trained with him back then.

2 and 3. For the identity of the Mystery
lifter and to reserve your copy of the new
book during our big pre-publication special,
go here:

IMPORTANT -- if you want me to autograph
your book, please ask for an autograph in the
"Special Comments" section of the on-line
order form.

I am always happy to autograph any book for
you, but you need to ASK for the autograph.

If someone else orders the book for you, be
sure they give me YOUR NAME and ask for an
autographed copy if that's what you want.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again -- to a book that
is a true tribute to a great champion: