Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Tips for Older Lifters!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll cover a training
question from a reader.

1. No one has guessed the identity of the Mystery
Lifter profiled in the May issue of the Dinosaur
Files newsletter -- which goes to show that you're
going to learn all sorts of interesting new things
from the Dino Files. I'll reveal the name next week.

2. If you plan to subscribe to the Dino Files, do it
now. Ditto for subscription renewals. We'll mail the
May issue next Tuesday or Wednesday, so we can still
get you on the list.

As for training -- I've rec'd several questions from
older readers (age 50 or so) who are suffering from
aches and pains and dings and dents, and want to know
what advice I have for older lifters who want to keep
on lifting heavy weights.

So here are some tips. I'll cover them very briefly.
For more detail, see Gray hair and Black Iron. I wrote
it specifically for older lifters, and it has a ton of
great info older dinos.

1. Abbreviated workouts are more important than ever
for older lifters.

2. Recovery is the key.

3. Clean up your diet. A good, healthy diet helps to
reduce soreness and inflammation.

4. Use some sort of simple cycling system.

5. Don't go heavy all the time.

6. Stop doing exercises that hurt you, even if they are
your favorite exercises.

7. Use lower volume workouts to reduce wear and tear on
your body.

8. Stand on your feet when you train. (Very important for
anyone, but super important for older trainees.)

9. Do cardio work regularly -- but be sure to do the RIGHT
KIND of cardio.

10. Train with a young whippersnapper every once in awhile
and show him what an older lifter can do. (It's great for
your ego, and as for him, well, he'll get it over it

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day -- and a
great weekend. If you train today, make it a good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I cover much more about effective training for older
lifters in Gray hair and Black Iron. You can find it here:

P.S. 2 To subscribe to year two of The Dino Files newsletter
(or to renew your subscription) go here:

For the entire set (12 issues) of year no. 1 of The Dino Files
newsletter, go here: