Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We're back in the saddle after a wild Memorial
Day weekend, and there's tons to report from
Dino Headquarters.

1. The June Dinosaur Files

The June issue of the Dinosaur Files newsletter
should be finished and mailed to subscribers on
Thursday or Friday. It's going to be another great
issue, with some terrific training articles and
Iron Game history. It really is the best monthly
publication for serious lifters and serious students
of the Iron game, and every issue is a collector's

If you forgot to renew your subscription, or you
want to start one now, do it ASAP. I'll start you off
as of June 2011, and send you May and June together
to catch you up. That way, you won't miss an issue.

2. John Davis

The John Davis book is almost ready to send to the
printer, so it won't be much longer. It's ended up
bigger and better than I thought. There's a lot to
cover when you're talking about the man who ruled
the weightlifting world from 1938 through 1952.

The pre-publication special is still in effect, of
course. Reserve your copy now and get the special
bonus -- an 8 x 10 copy of never before seen photo
of John Davis at the height of his career.

I got the original from John's training partner,
who snapped it back in 1940 or 1941. To my knowledge,
it's never been published before, so it's a real
collector's treasure.

3. Power Rack Madness

If you ordered my Power Rack Training DVD last week,
we're making copies this week and we're shooting
to ship them out on Friday.

4. A Big Announcement Next Week

Be looking for a big announcement next week -- you're
going to be seeing something new and exciting from
Dino HQ. Something that many of you have been asking

5. Tendon and Ligament Strength

I cover this critical topic in Dinosaur Training and in
Strength, Muscle and Power -- and I'm going to talk about
it at 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday on SuperHuman

You can listen to the broadcast live or catch the
download later on. But be sure to listen to it. Training
your tendons and ligaments is the key to super strength.

That doesn't cover all of the news, but it hits the high
points for today. I'll cover other Dino news later in the

As always, thanks for reading. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can order Dinosaur Training -- Strength, Muscle and
Power -- Black Iron: The John Davis Story -- and a subscription
to the Dinosaur Files newsletter right here:


Brooks Kubik
P.O. Box 4426
Louisville, Ky. 40204