Monday, June 13, 2011

10 Great Old School Gyms!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I'm what you could call a real junkie when it
comes to old school strength training and old
school gyms. And if you're reading this, I bet
you are as well.

Anyhow, I was looking at a list of old school
gyms, and I was struck by their names. Today,
all the big chains have "Fitness" in their
name. Back then, things were different.

Consider some of the following names of what
must have been GREAT places to train:

1. Lucien Luki Marcel's Healthorium

This one was in Atlantic City. It sounds like
they placed an emphasis on HEALTH.

2. Moss's School of Physical Training

This was run by Staff Sgt. Moss in St. Leonards
on Sea, in England. I like the sound of this one.
In his day, Staff Sgt. Moss rivaled Sandow's

3. William Oliphant Barbell Academy

In Toronto. Leave aside the elephant jokes, and
focus on the phrase "Barbell Academy." Sounds like
a good place to learn heavy barbell lifting.

4. Bowman Jones' House of Health

In St. Louis (where I won my first National Bench
Press Championship). "House of health" is very cool.
We had a"House of Health" in Dayton when I was a
kid -- great gym, with tons of black iron.

5. The Long Island Weightlifting Club

There were many old-school gyms that had "Weight-
lifting Club" in their name. Again, it's a name
that says it all.

6. Ray Van Cleef's Gateway to Health

In San Jose. One of the best names ever for a gym.

7. Eugene Sandow School

In London. Another great gym with "school" or "academy"
in the title. Shows an emphasis on teaching -- and on
being a student of the Iron Game. Also, emphasizes
the idea of a healthy mind in a healthy body.

8. The Adonis Health Institute

Hy Schaeffer's Club in Brooklyn. This one pulls together
the Greek model of physical culture, the importance of
training for HEALTH, and the idea of going to an
"institute" -- meaning, I suppose, a school or academy.
Olympic Gold Medalist Isaac Berger got his start here.

9. The American College of Modern Weightlifting

Akron, Ohio. What a terrific name! The Barnholth brothers
operated an old-school gym in their garage -- and it
was there that they trained and coached the legendary
George brothers. Their star lifter, Pete George, went on
to become an Olympic Gold Medalist and five-time World

10. The Cave

Awesome name! This was Vic Tanny's gym in Santa Monica.
Oh, to have trained there in the 40's and 50's!

That ends the trip down memory lane! Hope you enjoyed it --
and I hope it inspires you to hit the iron hard and heavy
the next time you train!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik,

P.S. Father's Day is right around the corner, so if you
want something for your dad -- or if someone is placing a
Father's Day order for you, get it in today!