Thursday, June 30, 2011

The July 2011 Dinosaur Files Looks Great!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I finished the July issue of The Dinosaur
Files yesterday, and it looks pretty darn

I've changed the format a bit in this issue,
making it look more like a magazine than a
newsletter. We have way more photos in this
issue than in previous issues. Most of them
are photos of old-time champions. I like to
use them to show readers the kind of strength
and muscle men built "back in the day" -- on
nothing but heavy iron, hard work, regular
training, and a healthy diet of good, whole-
some foods. No drugs, no protein powder, and no
supplements. They didn't need them.

The cover photo features two great BEFORE and
AFTER photos from the 1920's. It shows a man
who weighed 97 lbs. at age 21 -- who then built
himself up to 120 lbs. (which we see in photo
no. 1) -- and then all the way up to 193 lbs.
That's a gain of nearly 100 lbs. of muscle --
way back in the 1920's.

We also have photos of:

The German Colossus, Hermann Goerner

Sig Klein and a classic globe barbell

Weightlifting Champ Ron Walker

Otto Arco in his 50's -- looking better than most
men half his age!

John Davis and 400 lbs. of iron and steel

John Grimek -- and all I can say is WOW!

Geraldine Baillargeon -- one of the strongest women
of her generation

Paul Anderson hitting a super heavy press

Weightlifter and World Record Holder, Clyde Emrich

George Hackenschmidt -- looking like he was carved
out of solid marble

And much more! 26 photos total!

We'll drop the July issue in the mail on Friday or
Saturday, so be looking for it soon!

And yes, you can still subscribe to The Dinosaur Files!
Start your subscription now and we'll send May 2011,
June 2011 and July 2011 in one package -- and then send
you one issue per month thru April, 2012. That way, you'll
get all 12 issues for the 2011 - 2012 subscription year.

We also have all of the back issues for the 2010 - 2011
subscription year.

Remember, the Dinosaur Files is NOT available by email. It
is an old-fashioned, printed on paper, mailed to you in an
envelope, postman delivers it monthly magazine -- and you
have to subscribe to receive it.

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. To grab a 12 issue subscription to the Dinosaur Files,
(May 2011 - April 2012), go here:

To grab the complete set of 12 back issues from May 2010 to
April 2011, go here: