Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Muscle Mag Memories

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Many Dinos are too young to remember
this, but when I was a kid (and before
that, as older guys have told me), it
was a real pain in the you know what to
find a muscle magazine.

In those days, our parents were usually
dead set against ordering things by mail.
It somehow seemed suspicious.

It didn't matter if I thought Bob Hoffman
and Peary Rader were the greatest guys in
the world. They weren't doing business in
a shop around the corner, and to my mom and
dad, that made them suspicious characters.

To make matters worse, many of the places
that carried magazines back then put the
muscle mags on a special rack way in the
back of the store, right next to the
Playboy's and other "questionable"

You had to be an adult to go back into that
section. So at age 12, even if I was perfectly
willing to walk right past this month's issue
of Playboy (and maybe even look at it) in order
to get a copy of Strength and Health, Muscular
Development or Iron Man -- they wouldn't let me
do it.

The best bet was a local health food store. I
could go over there and buy protein powder and
liver-iron-B12 tablets (for weight gaining),
and grab my muscle magazines at the same time.

The problem was, the closest Health Food Store
was 20 miles away, and I wasn't driving yet. So
I had to wait until the weekend and talk my folks
into taking me.

Twenty miles was a big trip back then, and you
only made big trips on the weekends.

It was sheer bloody torture when the magazines
arrived at the Health food Store (which I knew,
because I would call and find out) and I had to
wait until Saturday to go buy them.

Finally, mom and dad relented and let me subscribe
to my beloved York mags and to Iron Man. Then all
I had to do was wait "patiently" for each monthly
issue of Strength and Health and Muscular
Development, and each bi-monthly issue of Iron

And when the magazines arrived in the mail -- wow,
what a great day that was!

The sad part is this: all the magazines I loved as
a kid are long gone.

Right now, there's only one monthly magazine available
for serious, hard core lifters -- garage gorillas,
cellar dwellers and Dinosaurs.

It's called The Dinosaur Files. I publish and edit it,
and write many of the articles for it, and it's 20
pages of high-powered Dino-riffic content. And it
even has photos.

The Dino Files is a hard-copy magazine, just like
the good old days -- not an e-zine, but a real magazine
printed on real paper. I mail it to subscribers around
the first of every month. That way, everyone gets to
enjoy the thrill of getting the envelope in the
mail, ripping it open, locking the door, taking the
phone off the hook, turning off the cell phone, and
reading the little monster from cover to cover as fast
as you can.

You can grab a Dino Files subscription (12 issues) running
from May 2011 to April 2012 right here:


For the complete set of back issues (12 issues) for the May
201o to April 2011 subscription year, go here:


As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik