Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Older Lifter Makes Great Gains!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Ray Elmy is a 46 year old Dino who's been
training on one of the workouts in Gray Hair
and Black Iron for exactly one year.

Today, he sent me his progress report, and I
want to share it with you.

Now, SOME people say that the basics don't build

SOME people say that doing low reps -- like the
5 x 5 system, 5/4/3/2/1 or heavy singles -- won't
build mass or they'll "burn out" your CNS.

And SOME people say that it's impossible for a man
over the age of 40 to gain strength and muscle mass.

SOME people say you can't make gains training 2x
per week.

But Ray didn't listen to those people. He followed
one of the twice a week workouts in Gray Hair and
Black Iron -- stuck to the basics -- used 5 x 5 on
all of his exercises, and worked hard to add weight
to the bar on a regular basis.

Did it work?

Well, you tell me.

In one year, Ray went from 158 pounds to 181 pounds.
That's a gain of 23 pounds of muscle.

His squat went from 250 x 5 to 330 x 5. That's 80

His deadlift went from 220 x 5 to 305 x 5. That's a
gain of 85 pounds.

Personally, I think it worked.

And I think Ray did one heck of a job -- and deserves
a big round of applause from all the Dinos!

So if you're asking, "Does it work?" -- the answer is,
"Yes, it does."

And if you're wondering whether you're too old to make
good gains, the answer is NO. All it take sis the right
kind of program -- and some solid effort.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can grab YOUR copy of Gray Hair and Black Iron
right here at Dinosaur Headquarters: