Friday, June 17, 2011

Speed Writing, Part Two -- The Challenge!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Everyone loved yesterday's Speed
Writing email -- 10 one sentence
questions from readers and 10 one
sentence answers.

All except one reader.

Some nameless smart-alec said my answers
were TOO LONG!

He wrote (and I quote):

"Mr. Kubik -- Anyone can answer a question
in one sentence, but it takes real talent
to answer a question in one word? Frankly,
I don't think you can do it. But I'd sure
like to see you try."

Gosh, that sounds like a challenge.

Well, I accept.

And so, to make our nameless smart-alec
feel better (and not to burden his mind
with "too much reading"), here we go --
10 questions, and 10 one word answers.
See how I do.

1. What is the best supplement for gaining
strength and muscle mass?

A. Squats.

2. I've heard that Indian clubs are good
for loosening your shoulders, and warming
up before your your heavy lifting -- do
you agree?

A. Absolutely!

3. I heard Bill Hinbern has reprinted an old
book written by the English strongman,
Thomas Inch (the man with the world-famous
Unliftable Dumbbell), and I was thinking
about getting a copy. What do you think?

A. Geddit!

4. I know you write about training for strength
and power, and I know you like home gyms and old-
fashioned black iron gyms with nothing but the
basics, but if you owned a modern gym and wanted
the best and most up to date equipment for a
modern day clientele that was interested in
sculpting, toning and bodybuilding, what would
you put in first?

A. Alligator-pit.

5. Which is better: squats or deadlifts?

A. Both.

6. Which is better: presses or push presses?

A. Both.

8. At what age should a lifter start slowing down
and taking it easy?

A. 107.

9. You've been writing quite a bit about warm-up
sets lately, and you seem to stress doing a fairly
long, thorough, and complete warm-up. Are warm-ups
really that important?

A. Yes.

10. Did you really mean that about a lifter not
slowing down and taking it easy until he's 107 years

A. YES!3x&ifhe'sDino-toughhecankeepgoing4longerthanthat!

There you are -- and I hope our unnamed smart-alec is
happy! How did I do?

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. We're being flooded in DVD orders. For
information on how to order all 5 Dino DVD's
as a set (which will save you some major
wampum), shoot me an email. For all other
Dino Products, go here: