Monday, June 27, 2011

A Top 10 List for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Everyone loves top 10 lists, so let's
start the week with the top 10 giveaways
that someone doesn't know what he's talking
about when it comes to strength training:

10. No lifting shoes.

9. He doesn't own a jock-strap.

8. "Squats? No one does squats any more!"

7. "Those work much better if you stand on a
Swiss ball when you do them!"

6. "I read about it in last month's issue of
[fill in blank with any muscle comic]."

5. "We're gonna start you off with a 20 x 20
hypertrophy phase for four weeks."

4. "Power cleans? I already have a dish-washer!"

3. (Pointing to the power rack): "It's the
only safe way to do curls!"

2. "OMG, it's five minutes past the time to take
my amino acids -- I'm shrinking!"

1. "John Grimek -- who was John Grimek?"

Of course, the number one way to know that someone
really does know what's he's talking about is to
look in his gym bag or on his bookshelf. If there's
a dog-eared copy of Dinosaur Training, you know he
knows the score.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day!
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. Over the past week I've had questions about one
hand deadlifts, grip strength, thick bar training, arm
specialization, power rack training, tendon and ligament
strength, abbreviated strength training, gaining muscular
bodyweight, how to design an effective training program
and how to train for maximum strength and power. I answer
every single one of those questions -- and much more --