Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Black Iron in Louisville!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Things are going crazy here at Dino Head-
quarters, so I'm going to have to make this
message short.

1. BLACK IRON has arrived in Louisville. The
freight company should deliver the books in
1 - 2 hours.

1A. My workout today is lugging and loading
and carrying all the boxes of books -- there
are many, many boxes, and the book is BIG --
the biggest book I've ever done.

2. My buddy Bill Hinbern rec'd his shipment
of BLACK IRON and is going nuts over the book.
I've been telling him for months that it was
going to be really big and really impressive
looking -- and really good -- but the first
sight of the little monster still knocked his
socks off.

2A. If you're on Bill's email list, you've
probably seen his message about the book, so
you know he's pretty excited. I think the
proper term is "fired up!"

3. I'll be on SuperHuman Radio at 12:00 EST
today -- talking about (what else?) John Davis!
Catch the show live or download it later on.

4. Since the books are here a day early, we'll
start packing them today and mail as many as we
can tomorrow. We should have all of them out the
door by Saturday.

4A. The pre-publication special is ending very
soon. I would end it today, since the books are
here, but they're a day early so I'll keep it
open for another 24 hours or so.

4B. If you order during the pre-publication
special, you get a special bonus -- an 8 1/2
x 11 copy of a great photo of John Davis from
December, 1940. I got it from his training
partner, and it's never been published before.
So it's a real piece of Iron game history.

5. As always, I am honored to autograph your
book for you -- but you need to ask for an
autograph. If you want your copy autographed,
and you haven't already asked me to do it, send
an email asap.

6. If you have moved or changed address since
you reserved your copy of BLACK IRON, pls let me
know by email asap.

7. Final note -- a fellow lifter is doing a review
of BLACK IRON, using the final printer's proof as
an advance copy. I just heard from him, and he is
3/4 of the way through it and LOVES it.

And that's not surprising. I think everyone is
going to love this book.

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you haven't already reserved your copy of
BLACK IRON, do it NOW so that you get the special
bonus photo: