Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Moment of Silence for a Great Athlete

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

27 years ago today, one of the greatest
athletes in the history of the world --
and one of the true legends of the Iron
Game -- passed away.

His name was John Davis.

His list of accomplishments reads like an
Honor Roll entry in the Weightlifting Hall
of Fame:

12 USA National Championships

6 World Championships

2 Olympic Championships

1 Pan American Games Championship

Numerous American, World Pan-American
and Olympic records

World Champion at age 17

The lightest Heavyweight World and
Olympic Champion in the history of
modern weightlifting

Led the USA team to more world and
Olympic team championships than any
other lifter

The only lifter to win World championships
in each of 3 different decades

The first lifter to break the 1,000 lb.
total (unofficially)

The first lifter to clean and jerk 400 pounds
(in official competition)

Clean and jerked the famed Apollon Wheels

If you follow my writing, you know I've been a
huge fan of John Davis for many years. In
Dinosaur Training, I wrote about his training --
all by himself -- with just a barbell, squat
stands, a wooden bench and a lifting platform --
in a church basement in Brooklyn.

I've written about the mental factors that led
to his success in Strength, Muscle and Power.

John is featured in the Legacy of Iron series --
my dramatization of the history of American
weightlifting and physical culture in the 30's
and 40's.

And now, of course, he's featured in a giant, full-
sized book of his own: BLACK IRON: THE JOHN DAVIS
STORY. And it's an honor he well deserves -- and
one that is long overdue.

Please take a second and join me in a moment of
silence to honor the memory of this great man,
great athlete, and great lifter.

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

LEGACY OF IRON books, and all of my other books and
courses right here: