Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekend Updates for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Here at Dino HQ, we're still in the major
pack and ship mode as we continue to fill
orders for my new book, BLACK IRON: THE

Luckily, Trudi gave me a few minutes off
from stacking, packing and signing books
to bring you a few updates, news and notes.

1. World Premier Book review

Rob Drucker did a very thorough review of
BLACK IRON and posted it on his website. He
used my advance copy from the printer, so
he is the second person in the world (me
being the first) to read the book. Go here
to read his world premier review:

2. Pre-Publication Special Ending Soon!

It ends at 12:00 EST TODAY! So if you plan to
order BLACK IRON, do it the second you get this
email and grab the special bonus photo along
with the book.

3. The July Dino Files . . .

has a new format and a new look, with tons of
great photos. It's really a small magazine now. If
you subscribe to The Dino Files, let me know how
you like the new format.

4. When BLACK IRON arrives . . .

If you ordered BLACK IRON, let me know when you
get the little monster.

So far, no one has emailed to say, "I got it!"
I'm interested to see who will be the first.

5. Dinosaur Training on SuperHuman Radio

SuperHuman Radio interviewed me on Wednesday and
we did an hour long show on John Davis. This was a
GREAT show, with tons of Iron game history, and
some of the very interesting story about the
research I did for the book and how I uncovered
so much information about John Davis and his
fellow lifters and teammates from the 1930's,
40's and 50's.

If you missed the live broadcast, go to the
SuperHuman Radio site and listen to the podcast
as soon as you can. It's in the archives, and you
can listen for free.

6. Next Wednesday . . .

I'll be doing another SuperHuman Radio interview on
Wednesday at 12:00 noon. Topic to be announced later.

7. Signed copies of books

I'm always happy to sign your book for you -- but
you need to ask. Make the request in the special
comments section of the on-line order form.

8. Still open for business!

Even though we're slammed with orders for BLACK IRON
this weekend, we're still very much open for business
if you want to order anything else.

9. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

If you purchased and used my old course on Dino-style
bodyweight training, please shoot me an email and let
me know how it worked for you.

Likewise, if you missed the course the first time
around but you'd like to see it again -- reissued in
revised, book format -- perhaps in 8 1/2 x 11 format --
selling for not too many clams or wampum -- then shoot
me an email.

If there's enough interest, I'll do it.

10. Dinosaur DVD's!

If you ordered my old Dinosaur Training DVD's that I
offered last month, pls shoot me some feedback and let me
know how you like them!

I'm preparing new [ages for them on the website and I'd
love to use some testimonials from the Dino Army!

And otherwise -- have a great weekend. If you train
today, do it Dino style: hard, heavy and serious!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link to order BLACK IRON:

P.S. 2 For all other Dinosaur Training products, go here: