Thursday, July 28, 2011

Will This Work?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

A lot of people waste a lot of time
worrying about their training program.

I get emails all the time with questions
about training programs:

"Here's what I want to do. Will it work?"

"Is this enough?"

"Is this too much?"

"How does this look?"

"What will happen if I switch from bench
press to incline press (or from squat to
bottom position squat -- or from deadlifts
to high pulls)?"

"Is it okay to do some curls?"

"Can I do an extra warm-up set?"

"Is it okay to do dumbbell presses instead of
barbell presses?"

And so on.

My answer is usually pretty much the same:

1. As long as you're following a sensible
abbreviated program with the emphasis on the BIG
exercises (squat, deadlift, press, bench press,
rowing, pull-ups, high pulls, cleans, etc.).


2. As long as you allow enough time for recovery
and recuperation,


3. As long as you focus on adding weight to the
bar in a progressive fashion,

Then it's all going to work pretty well for you, and
you don't need to sweat the details.

And there's a related point.

The great thing about strength training is that it is
PROGRESSIVE. Meaning that you are always working to
improve your performance.

If you train the right way, you will improve steadily
from week to week and month to month.

If you are improving, your workout is fine.

If you stop improving, you need to tweak your program.
Perhaps you are training too often -- or doing too many
exercises -- or not putting enough effort into your leg
and back training -- or whatever.

The point is, don't worry about the details. JUST TRAIN!

And remember this. I also get tons of emails from readers
who tell me they started to train the Dino way, and now
they're making the very best progress ever -- having more
fun in their workouts than ever before -- and that they're
stronger than ever before. Which proves that it works --
and once again, it's a good reason not to sweat the little

As I said before, as long as you're doing it Dino style,
it's all going to work fine for you. So just get out and

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day. If
you train today -- well, you know what to do!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more information about productive, effective, real
world strength training and muscle building, grab these books
and courses:

1. Dinosaur Training
2. Strength, Muscle and Power
3. Gray Hair and Black Iron
4. Chalk and Sweat
5. The Doug Hepburn Training Course

You can find all of them at the Dinosaur Headquarters: