Friday, August 19, 2011

Some Gold Medal Training Advice!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I received an email this morning from
Tommy Kono, and I wanted to share some
of his thoughts with you.

Now, I assume you know who Tommy Kono is,
but for any newbies out there:

1. Two-time Olympic gold medal winner
in weightlifting

2. Silver medal winner in his third and
final Olympics (lifting with a bad knee)

3. Six-time World weightlifting champion

4. Three-time Pan-American Games champion

5. Set 26 World Records

6. Set 7 Olympic records

7. Set 8 Pan-American records

8. Won the Mr. World title and the Mr. Universe
title (3 times)

9. Set World records in FOUR different weight

10. Believed by many to be the greatest Olympic
weightlifter of all time

If those aren't enough credentials for you, google
Tommy Kono and you'll find much more. I just gave
you the highlights.

In his email, Tommy stressed the importance of what
he calls QT or Quality Training.

Quality training meant 3 workouts per week -- for
about an hour to 90 minutes per workout.

It meant performing a limited number of exercises.
Back then, they did the press in competition, so
Tommy trained the press, the snatch, and the clean
and jerk. Other than squats and front squats, that
was about all he did.

Quality Training means getting the most out of
each set -- and it means not doing to many sets.
You warm-up, work up to a heavy weight, and then
go on to your next exercise.

It's not fancy, it's not high tech, and it's not
very complicated.

But guess what -- it works.

Tommy ended his email by saying that if he were
competing today, "I wouldn't train any different.
It would still be training every other day. It is
QT -- Quality Training -- that counts."

And that's some Gold Medal training advice.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Tommy Kono calls it Quality Training. I call
it Dino-style abbreviated training. You can read more
about it in any of my books and courses: