Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Two Questions for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

A couple of days ago, I rec'd an
email from a reader who can military
press his own bodyweight -- which is
pretty good.

He got there by training Dino style:
short, hard, abbreviated workouts 3x
per week.

So that got me to thinking -- are you
interested in a Dino-style Military
press course? If you are, send me an
email and let me know. If there's
enough interest, I'll put one together.

This morning I rec'd another email from
the same reader. And get this -- he's been
a vegetarian for the past six years, and
he probably averages 60 gms of protein per
day -- but he built himself up to the point
where he can military press his own body-

And regardless of what you eat, or where you
stand on diet and nutrition issues, that's

So I thought it would be interesting to hear
from anyone else who has had either good luck
or bad luck in building strength and muscle on
a vegetarian (or vegan) diet.

So if you have tried Dino Training on a vegetarian
diet, send me a short email and let me know how it
worked for you.

I am NOT trying to get into a debate about this,
to convert anyone to any sort of diet, or to say
that any one kind of diet is better than another.
I just thought it might be interesting to see what
sort of real world, "from the trenches" reports we
can get about this topic.

I'll summarize the feedback -- whatever it turns out
to be -- in an email message so that everyone can see
the results.

So I want feedback on two topics:

1. Are you interested in a short course on the Military

2. If you've tried heavy lifting on a vegetarian diet,
how did it work for you?

So sharpen your pencils -- or put your fingers on the
keyboard -- and give me some feedback!

As always, thanks for reading and heave a great day. If
you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you missed the big announcement yesterday, we now
have Dinosaur Training Muscle Shirts. You can find them
right here:


P.S. 2 -- Here's something about someone who was a pretty
good military presser -- as in, a World record holder in the
military press:


P.S. 3 Here's something about another World record holder
in the Military Press -- and many Dinos say it's their
favorite book about the Iron Game:


P.S. 3 Dino Riddle of the Day:

Q. What has two cannonballs, two horseshoes and bird legs?

A. A guy who does lots of heavy military presses (cannonball delts
and horse-shoe triceps) standing next to a guy who never does