Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another Top 10 List for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

With Halloween right around the corner, I thought
I'd share a list of The Top 10 Scariest Things in
Strength Training. As in, scary stupid.

For example -- the fact that some people suggest
doing barbell squats on stability balls.

Or even scarier -- the fact that some people
actually listen to them.

Those might make the top 10 list -- or maybe
even the top 5.

And then I thought -- don't give the Dinos YOUR
list -- ask them for THEIR list!

So do this -- shoot me an email with one or
more of the Top 10 Scariest Things in Strength
training -- and I'll choose the best ones and
share them with your fellow Dinos.

To make it more fun, and to give you a little
bit of incentive, I'll choose the best answer --
and the winner gets a free Dinosaur Training
t-shirt like the ones featured here:

Remember -- one email per reader, but you can
give me 3 different suggestions -- don't
mention any people or products by name --
keep it clean -- don't send links, such as
YouTube fails -- keep them short (one liners) --
and (very important) -- the contest ends at
midnight on Friday, October 28. That's midnight
EST. The witching hour.

So -- at your mark -- get set -- GO!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's something that's scary good -- and
you're going to want to make sure you reserve
a copy during our pre-publication special: