Monday, November 28, 2011

Did You Ever Try this Exercise?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I hope everyone had a great weekend --
and for those who trained, I hope you had
a great workout!

We're going to cover a great exercise that some
of you may never have tried before. But before
we do that, I need to ask a favor.

I'm thinking about doing something new and
different -- and very exciting -- in 2012:


So I need to know:

1. Are you interested in attending a Dinosaur
Training Seminar?

2. What topic(s) would you like me to cover?

3. Where do you live, and what major cities would
work for you for a one day or two day seminar?

4. Do you know of any gyms in your neck of the
woods that might let us do a seminar?

Shoot your responses to me at Dino Headquarters --
and thanks in advance for your feedback!

On the training front, a reader asked "What is
the BEST sandbag exercise for Dinosaurs?"

That's a hard one to answer, because the "best"
exercise for one Dino may not be the best for
another Dino.

But here's a good one.

Set a 50 to 100 pound loosely packed sandbag in
front of a sturdy work bench or the back of a
pick-up truck. You need loose material to hold
onto at the top of the sandbag.

Grab the sandbag by the loose material at the top
of the bag, and lift it in a two hand hammer curl
(with the hands touching, left hand over right hand)
and place it on the bench or platform.

Pause briefly, and then lower it to the floor.

Reverse your grip and repeat.

Do 20 -- 50 -- or 100 reps.

If you don't have a workbench or pick-up truck,
string a rope four or five feet off the ground
and lift the sandbag up and over the rope on each

If you use the rope, you can drop the bag and then
lift it -- or (tougher) you can hold it just above
the rope and then lower it slowly.

If setting up a rope is too much trouble, then do
this: just curl the bag until your hands touch the
top of your forehead as you lean slightly forward.
Pause for a two count and then lower slowly.

Start with a light sandbag because this one is
really tough. Be ready for some severely fried arms,
forearms, hands, fingers and shoulders.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. It's Cyber Monday, which means it's time to place
your Holiday orders. Remember, if you want me autograph
a Dinosaur training book or course, all you need to do
is ask! (Use the special instructions section of the
on-line order form.):

P.S. 2. Thought for the day: "It's not the equipment you
use, it's how you use it that counts!" -- Brooks Kubik

P.S. 3. Don't forget to give me your thoughts and
feedback on Dinosaur Training Seminars!