Monday, November 21, 2011

Real Life Heroes!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

As I type these words, there's a man
sitting on a bench, concentrating
fiercely. He's getting ready to attack
his final set of deadlifts.

He's using a Trap Bar loaded so heavy
that you wonder how the bar can hold
the weight.

And one more thing. He's blind.

Doesn't matter. He still trains. Hard
and heavy. Dino style.

There's another man who's training hard
in his home gym. He lost a leg. But once
again, it doesn't matter. He still trains.

There's another man who trains in his home
gym. He's been doing it for something like
15 years -- ever since he read Dinosaur
Training back in 1996 when the little
monster was first published.

He's battling back from cancer. We almost
lost him a few months ago. He's lost a ton
of weight, and lots of strength. But he's
still training. And he plans to get right
back to where he used to be.

There are older guys coming back from knee
operations -- shoulder operations -- hip
replacements -- and heart attacks. But
they're still training.

There's a fireman in New York City who straps
into a heavy weight vest, throws some extra
chains over his shoulders, grabs some dumbbells
and goes out for a long walk. He calls it cardio.
He does it because in his business, that's the
kind of thing that can save lives.

There are men who train in war zones -- sometimes
doing deadlifts with bombs falling.

There are law enforcement officers who need real
world strength and condition to do their job --
and who believe that building strength, muscle
and power is a part of their job. So they work
at it -- HARD!

There are beginners of all ages who started
with weights so light they'd be embarrassed to
tell you about them -- and now they're into
300/400/500 territory.

There's a father who's teaching his son to
train. It may be the most important thing he
ever teaches the boy.

There's a grandfather who's training with his
two 13 year grandsons. he's giving them a life
lesson that they'll remember forever.

These are all real people. I know each of them.
Some of them I've known for many years. Some
are more recent friends. But they're all real.
They really do exist, and they really are out
there, battling the iron and stubbornly
refusing to let anything -- and I mean
ANYTHING -- stop them.

Readers often write and tell me how much
they've learned from my books, courses and
DVD's. I believe them -- because I sure as
heck have learned a lot from my readers.

And one of the most important things I've
learned is this:

The world's full of heroes -- and if you're
lucky, you get to know some of them.

I'm lucky. I know some heroes. And if you're
reading this, you know them, too.

As always, thanks for reading -- and thanks
for everything you do. If you train today,
make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's a book about another hero -- a man
who started life with NOTHING -- and who became
the strongest man in the world, and the greatest
weightlifter of his era:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- and DVD's --
and the Dinosaur Files newsletter -- are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Everyone is a hero.
Some people just don't know it yet." -- Brooks Kubik