Friday, December 9, 2011

Iron and Bodyweight at Age 61!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here's another workout from an older Dino --
and this one combines barbell and dumbbell work
with Dinosaur Bodyweight Training -- which makes
for a very effective combination.

This program comes to us from Ira Reid, a 61-year
old Dino from NYC. Ira trains three times a week
on the following program:


1. Military press 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps

2. Pull-ups 3 to 5 sets to failure


1. Handstand or dive-bomber pushups 3 sets to failure

2. Chin-ups 3 sets to failure

3. Bodyweight squats 1 to 3 sets to failure


1. Dumbbell presses or incline presses 3 to 5 sets of
3 to 5 reps

2. Paetial deadlifts (from just below the knees) 3 sets
of 3 to 5 reps

3. Pull-ups 3 to 5 sets to failure

Sometimes Ira trains just twice a week. In that case, he
skips the Monday workout and adds the bodyweight squats to
his Saturday workout.

Ira adds:

"I try to vary the pull-ups from workout to workout as
outlined in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training. I an awaiting
delivery of a set of gymnastics rings which I intend to
incorporate with my pull-ups and pushups.

I also try to walk 3 or 4 miles every day that I don't
train, and 1 or 2 miles on the days that i do train. As
a former runner, the walking doesn't tax me much but keeps
the blood flowing and the heart pumping."

That's a pretty good all-around program for building a good
combination of strength, health and conditioning. Not many
61 year olds can do pull-ups, chin-ups and handstand

As with the other programs that I've shared with you this
week, note the use of short, simple workouts, compound
exercises, and infrequent training sessions. Very Dino --
and very effective!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can grab YOUR copy of Dinosaur Bodyweight Training
right here at Dinosaur Headquarters:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- the Dinosaur Files
newsletter -- and Dinosaur training DVD's -- are right here: