Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Story of a Superman

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

If you've been following my writing for
any period of time, you know that I'm a
huge fan of John Davis.

I admire him so much that I wrote a book
At 496 pages, with 16 pages of photos, it's
the biggest and thickest book I've ever

For those who do not know anything at all about
John Davis, consider the following:

1. He was the youngest World champion in history
when he won his first World weightlifting
championship in 1938.

2. He won his first World championship at age 17 --
after less than two years of training.

2A. Yes, you read that correctly. John Davis won
his first World championship after less than TWO
years of training. TWO years!

3. He was undefeated in international competition
from 1938 through 1952.

4. He won World championships in TWO different weight
classes and (get this) THREE different decades.

5. At one time, he held all of the American, World
and Olympic records in the Heavyweight class -- and
he only weighed around 225 pounds!

6. He may have been the only World and Olympic
Heavyweight champion who could perform one arm

6A. His former training partner told me he saw
John Davis do a one arm chin while holding a
50 pound dumbbell in his other hand.

7. He dominated the Heavyweight division for many
years, while weighing only 215 to 235 pounds.

8. He did much of his training alone -- often in
the basement of a neighborhood church -- with
nothing other than a barbell, homemade squat
stands, a homemade lifting wooden bench and
a homemade lifting platform.

9. As the top Heavyweight in the world, he powered
the USA to SIX team titles at the World championships
and the Olympic Games.

9A. On several occasions, the team title came
down to a battle between John Davis and one or more
massive Russian lifters who outweighed him by 50 or
more pounds.

9B. The Russians never had a chance.

10. He followed a unique training system of his own
design -- and in the book, I give it to EXACTLY as John
Davis performed it. I got this from his 94-year old
training partner, and it's never been published before.
But it's a heck of a program!

There's more -- much more -- and it's all there in

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can grab your copy of BLACK IRON: THE JOHN
DAVIS STORY right here at Dino Headquarters: