Thursday, December 29, 2011

Trudi's Training Program

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Trudi is heading over to the gym pretty
soon, and several of you have asked about
her training program -- so let's cover
that this morning.

Trudi likes variety -- and she likes using
different types of equipment and training
at different places -- and she likes to do
high reps with heavy weights -- and she
likes to do lots of outdoor cardio

Plus, she's a physical therapy assistant,
so she integrates lots of special rehab,
joint protection, and movement/mobility
exercises into her program.

So her workouts are eclectic, unusual
and varied -- and she really enjoys them.

Shes' going to start today by jogging in
the park while wearing her Kangaroo Jumps.
These are special "shoes" that act as
rebounders, so that every step is like
walking or running on a trampoline.

It's a great cardio workout, and a super
exercise for the legs and hips.

She also like using the Kangaroo Jumps
because they add 6 inches to her height!

Note: If it were warmer, Trudi would
probably add a bike ride to the schedule.
We live close to a great park with a 2.5
mile bike/walking/running circle, with two
really steep, long hills, so three or four
circuits is a heck of a workout.

Next, Trudi will head over to the gym,
where she'll do:

45 degree leg presses

Leg extensions

Leg curls

Dumbbell incline presses

Dumbbell decline presses

Pull-downs to the chest

Hyperextensions (while holding dumbbells
in her hands, and performing a shoulder raise
as she completes the hyperextension)

A variety of cable exercises for the legs
and hips - or combination upper and lower
body cable movements (E.g., combine a one arm
standing cable pull-down with the left hand
and a backward leg extension with the right leg)

Later in the day, Trudi will do some Olympic
lifting in the garage. We have a special women's
OL bar for her (which works better for someone
with small hands). She does high rep clean and
jerk and high rep snatches, using a split style
for both.

After that, Trudi will go downstairs to her
basement gym and do a variety of dumbbell
movements, calisthenics, pilates, yoga,
pull-ups, cable exercises, gut work and
anything else she feels like doing -- along
with more hyperextensions, which are one of
her favorite exercises. Maybe THE favorite

Now, that's a heavy schedule, but today is
Trudi's day off, so she wants to make the
most of it. On days when she works, she may
do ONE workout -- either at home or in the
park or at the gym. Also, when she can, she
walks or rides her bike to work.

So that's how Trudi trains -- and yes, it's
effective. Fun, too -- and an easy program
to follow if you like variety in your

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you're looking for some variety in your
training, try these great resources:

1. Dinosaur Training DVD's

2. Going Strong at 54!

3. Strength, Muscle and Power

4. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

5. Dinosaur Arm Training

6. The Dinosaur Training Military Press and Shoulder
Power Course

7. Gray Hair and Black Iron

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Why you train determines
how you train." -- Brooks Kubik