Monday, January 2, 2012

The Success Habit!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We're starting a New Year, and everyone
is thinking about how to make it the very
best year ever.

In strength training, one of the keys to
a great year -- a year full of great gains
in strength, muscle and power -- is to get
into the Success Habit.

But instead -- most people jump right into
the Failure Habit -- and as a result, they
sabotage their training for the rest of
the year.

Here's what I mean.

To get into the Success Habit:

1. Outline a simple, abbreviated workout.

2. Start with relatively light weights so
you can easily make every rep of every set
in PERFECT form.

3. Follow a progression system where you
gradually train harder and heavier -- but
you do it at a slow, steady rate that allows
you to continue to do every rep of every set
in PERFECT form -- with NO misses!

3A. For example: start by doing 4 x 5
progressively heavier warm-ups and 3 x 5 work
sets. Add ONE rep per workout to each work set
until you are doing 3 x 7 or 3 x 8. The add 5
pounds to the bar, drop back to 3 x 5 working
sets, and build back up by adding ONE rep per

When you train this way, you make every
workout a successful workout. You never miss.
You never have a "bad" workout.

As a result, you start to expect to make every
workout a success. In other words, you have
developed the Success Habit.

But what do most people do?

They outline an impossibly long and difficult
workout -- and they start with the heaviest
weights they can handle -- and they drive
themselves to utter exhaustion -- and they
burn out in a week or two -- and they start
to miss reps -- or they have to cheat to get
their reps -- and then they miss even when
they're cheating -- and WHAM -- they're
trapped in the Failure habit and we're not
even out of January!

So there's two ways to do it:

1. You can train progressively, with slow but
steady gains and consciously cultivate the
Success Habit.


2. You can jump right into the hardest, heaviest,
most difficult, most demanding workout imaginable,
feel like a hero for a day or two and then go into
Crash and Burn Mode.

It's your choice -- but I've done both, and I know
which one I'm going to choose for 2012!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are seven keys to staying on course --
and making each and very workout in 2012 a real

1. Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength and
Development (the book that started the Dinosaur

2. Gray Hair and Black Iron (mandatory reading for
anyone over the age of 35 -- and pretty darn good for
younger lifters, as well):

3. Strength, Muscle and Power (abbreviated training,
program design, specialization programs, ultra-
abbreviated workouts, power rack training, rest
pause training, lugging and loading, thick bars,
mind-power, Iron Game history, grip blasters and

4. Chalk and Sweat (50 detailed training programs
for lifters of all levels):

5. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training (for the best in
no-nonsense bodyweight workouts):

6. Dinosaur Training DVD's (grab the whole set --
and get ready for some serious lifting and some
serious training instruction):

7. Dinosaur Training Courses (Doug Hepburn's Training,
Dinosaur Arm Training and the Dinosaur Training
Military Press and Shoulder Power Course):