Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One of My Favorite Training Programs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One of my all-time favorite training routines
came from an article by Bradley J. Steiner. It
appeared in Peary Rader's old IronMan magazine
way back in 1970 or so.

You trained three times per week, using the same
workout every time you trained. Today, I'd modify
that suggestion for older guys and for the more
advanced trainees, who would do better on a
divided workout schedule. (I'll give an example
later on.)

On everything other than your warm-up exercise
and your gut work, you did 5 x 5. Two progressively
heavier warmup sets and 3 working sets.If you
prefer another variation of 5 x 5, such as four
progressively heavier warmup sets and one working
set, go for it.

Steiner's program consisted of the following

1. Warm-up with prone hyperextensions 2 x 10 - 15

2. Any overhead pressing exercise of your choice
(military press, dumbbell press or press behind
neck) 5 x 5

Note: Steiner preferred the press behind neck. I'd
stay away from it -- it's pretty hard on your
shoulders, especially if you're an older lifter.

For those who can do handstand pushups, handstand
pushups are another option. See Dinosaur Bodyweight
Training for handstand pushup progressions and
training tips.

3. Squats 5 x 5

Note: You can do back squats or front squats. Steiner
preferred parallel squats, which was standard advice
back in the 60's and 70's. I did them that way when
I was younger, but today I prefer full squats (usually
front squats). It's up to you.

Older lifters with bad knees can try Trap Bar deadlifts
in place of squats.

4. Bench press 5 x 5

Note: You can do these with barbells or dumbbells --
or with one dumbbell (one arm at a time). You also
can do incline barbell or dumbbell presses, or one
arm incline dumbbell presses. The dumbbells are safer
if you train alone without a spotter or a power
rack. Another option if you train alone is to perform
pushups, with or without extra weight on your back.

5. Barbell bent-over rowing 5 x 5

Note: If you prefer, do one arm dumbbell rowing or do
any form of pull-up. The pull-up progressions in
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training will build an enormous
upper body and tons of strength.

6. Stiff legged deadlifts 5 x 5

Note: Bent legged deadlifts also work well, and so
do Trap Bar deadlifts -- or stiff legged deadlifts with
the Trap Bar. Those who prefer power cleans, high pulls
or power snatches should feel free to do them -- but if
you do, drop the reps to two or three per set, and do
these earlier in the program (before the squats).

7. Finish up with a couple of sets of gut work.

Note: I'd suggest finishing up with gut work, grip work
and neck work. two or three sets of each.

As I mentioned, you can divide the program into two
or three workouts, with a day of rest between each
workout. For example:


1. Warm-up with prone hyperextensions 2 x 10 -1 5

2. Press 5 x 5

3. Squat 5 x 5

4. Gut work 2 x 10 - 15


1. Warm-up with prone hyperextensions 2 x 10 - 15

2. Bench press or incline press 5 x 5

3. Pull-ups 5 x 5

4. Grip work of your choice 2 to 5 sets, reps will
vary depending on the exercise(s) you do


1. Warmup with prone hyperextensions 2 x 10 - 15

2. Bent legged deadlifts 5 x 5 or clean grip high
pulls 5 x 3

3. Neck work with head-strap 2 or 3 x 10 - 15

4. Gut work of your choice 2 x 10 - 15

So there you have it -- a truly outstanding and
effective old-school training program -- that will
build strength, power and muscle so fast you'll
shock yourself. Give it a try and let me know how
it works for you!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more strength training and muscle building
workouts, grab any or all of the following books and

1. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training


2. Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength and


3. Strength, Muscle and Power


4. Chalk and Sweat


5. Dinosaur Arm Training


6. The Dinosaur Military Press and Shoulder Power


7. History's Strongest Men and How They Trained, Vol. I,
Doug Hepburn


8. Gray Hair and Black Iron


Thought for the Day: "If it worked for Grimek, it will
work for YOU!" -- Brooks Kubik