Friday, March 30, 2012

A John Grimek Training Secret!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

If you do more reps with the same weight,
you build more strength and muscle --

If you handle more weight in an exercise,
you build more strength and muscle --

Well, like most things in the Iron Game,
the answer is "maybe yes, and maybe no."

All other things being equal, doing more
reps or handling more weight gives you a
better workout. And "better workout" means
you build more strength and muscle.

But all too often, trying for more reps
causes a trainee to cheat -- and when you
cheat, you take the load off the muscles
you are trying to work. For example:
in a strict barbell curl, the biceps
lift the weight. In a cheat curl, the
back, hips and shoulders (and sometimes
even the legs!) lift the weight. Or you
simply swing it up with momentum and
then bounce your way through your set --
and that hardly counts as "lifting" the

The same is true when a trainee tries to
handle too much weight too soon. Instead of
getting a better workout, he gets a worse
one -- because he takes the focus off the
muscles he is trying to work.

That's why old-time physical culturists
always urged trainees to perform their
exercises in STRICT form. Well over 100
years ago, the experts KNEW that strict
form was a huge key to training success.

John Grimek always urged trainees to perform
their exercises in strict form. In fact, he
took things even further than that. He devised
a way to train in what I can only describe as
ultra-strict or ultra-perfect form -- and he
said it was one of the "secrets" of his strength
and development.

That's Grimek's word -- not mine. And it's
amazing that he chose to reveal his "secret" --
because he often said that there were no secrets
in physical training.

You see, Grimek's way of performing exercises in
ultra-strict or ultra-perfect form was something
he was taught in his very first workout! And he
applied it ever since -- and so, to Grimek, it
didn't qualify as a secret!

It was only after many years of answering questions
from trainees -- and many years of trying to explain
how he trained -- that Grimek realized that most
trainees didn't know how to perform their reps for
maximum results. That's when he realized that what
seemed so natural to him was literally unknown to
the average trainee.

Not only unknown, but undreamed of. And the EXACT
OPPOSITE of the way most people trained!

So Grimek wrote about it -- and he explained in detail
EXACTLY how to perform your reps for best results.

It's pretty interesting stuff -- and pretty important
for anyone interested in getting the best results
from their training.

And yes, I cover this in detail in my new John Grimek
training course. It's in a section headed "Grimek
Reveals His Secrets" -- and it's a must read for
anyone interested in building maximum strength and
muscle as fast as possible.

So if you reserved a copy of the course, you've
got some seriously good reading coming your way
very, very soon!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.
If you train today, use PERFECT FORM on every single
rep -- and see how much better it works!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can reserve your copy of the new John Grimek
training course right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Hard work, heavy iron and
perfect form is hard to beat." -- Brooks Kubik