Thursday, March 15, 2012

Two Types of Trainees -- Which Are You?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Three quick notes, and then let's talk training.

1. I'm working at warp speed on the new John Grimek
course, and the little monster is on schedule to be
printed and mailed by the end of the month -- so if
you ordered a copy, it won't be long -- and if you
have NOT ordered a copy, there's still time to do

2. I had a KILLER interview on SuperHuman Radio
yesterday. We did an "Ask the Expert" show where
all I did was answer questions from listeners. We
covered a ton of great stuff. If you missed the
live show, catch the download. EVERYONE who reads
these emails will enjoy the show:

3. We didn't get to all of the questions that we
rec'd, so we're going to do another Ask the Expert
segment next week -- and we can always take more
questions -- so send them on in!

And now -- let's talk training!

Yesterday we talked about different set/rep systems,
and how there is no "best" system. Rather, there are
set/rep systems that work best for some lifters --
and different set/rep systems that work best for
other lifters. And to make things more complicated,
it can vary from one exercise to another even for
the same lifter -- and it can change over time as
the lifter becomes more advanced or grows older.

That's because everyone is different -- and you need
to find what works best for YOU!

There's another way that lifters are different. And
it's critical to your training success -- so pay
attention. This is going to sound a little bit like
a psychology class for a minute -- but bear with me,
because it's important.

Research tells us that one out of three -- or perhaps
one out of two -- people in Western countries are
introverts. The others are extroverts. (In Asian
cultures, the numbers may well be reversed.)

Of course, not everyone is 100% one or the other.
People tend to be more of one than the other, while
sharing some of the traits of the other personality
type. So you may have someone who is primarily an
introvert, but still has some extrovert

What's the difference between an introvert and an

Well, if we can generalize, here are some of them:

Introverts like solitude.

Extroverts like being around other people.

Introverts like quiet.

Extroverts like noise.

Introverts THINK.

Extroverts ACT.

Introverts often feel "overwhelmed" if they are in a
place or a situation where there is too much going
on -- too much happening -- too many things to stimulate
their senses.

Extroverts feel BORED unless they are in a place
or a situation where there is lots of action, lots
going on, and lots of things to stimulate their senses.

And get this -- in one study of patients in physical
rehabilitation, the introverts didn't respond well
if the therapist "pushed" them to do more and more in
their therapy sessions. Being pushed made them anxious --
and they "tightened up." Instead, they responded to
"gentle encouragement."

In contrast, the extroverts in physical therapy
responded better if they were "pushed" or "challenged"
by the therapist. If the therapist tried the "gentle
encouragement" approach that worked for the introverts,
the extroverts got bored and stopped trying.

That meant the therapists had to use one approach
for the introvereted patients -- and a different
approach for the extroverted patients.

So let me throw out a couple of questions for you:

1. Is it possible that training programs that work great
for an introvert might not work as well for an extrovert?

2. Is it possible that extroverts should find training
partners who will challenge them to do better?

3. Is it possible that introverts do best if they follow
the same workout for a long period of time -- and extroverts
do best if they change their program relatively often?

4. Is it possible that some trainees do better when they
train in a gym -- and others do better when they train in
the solitude of their garage or basement?

5. If you're a coach, a gym owner or a personal trainer,
should you change your style depending on the trainee's level
of introversion and extroversion?

6. Are there set/rep systems and progression systems that are
better for introverts than for extroverts -- and vice-versa?

7. When you think of people in the Iron Game whom you admire,
are they introverts or extroverts -- and which are you?

Interesting questions -- and they'll give you plenty of food
for thought. (And maybe give you some ideas about where and how
to train.)

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again for the new John Grimek course --
and remember, if you reserve a copy during our big
pre-publication special, you'll get a bonus when we fill
your order at the end of the month:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses (and DVD's) are right

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Old-fashioned means it's
been working for a long, long time." -- Brooks Kubik