Friday, April 20, 2012

Feedback Friday -- The Dinos Roar!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here's some feedback from your fellow Dinos about
yesterday's email message that covered sensible
training for older lifters. This is mandatory
reading for all older lifters and for all younger
lifters who plan on being older lifters someday:

"Your advice is spot on. The recovery period for
extreme weight or extreme reps is simply not worth
the price. The whole point is to enjoy the workout
and get some exercise. As always, I appreciate your
recommendations." -- David Bacon

"On your advice I got me a pair of TK Knee Bands
Tommy Kono -- what a blessing! I should have got
them a loooooong time ago. I broke them in with
six progressively heavier sets of deadlifts. Just
wonderful. I can't wait to do some front squats

I also ordered your new John Grimek course. He is
one of my heroes. He had always intrigued me for
exactly what you talk about -- his quiet, low key
approach towards lifting, and yet the immense
rewards he got from his training." -- Oscar Ortiz

"I recently acquired one of these Top Squat units,
and I must say this thing is awesome. Highly
recommended." -- Ron Upson

"I'm a 50 year old Dino with an ailing left shoulder
from too many bench presses, not enough shoulder
presses and not nearly enough rows and rear delt
exercises. I ended up with a distorted shoulder
joint that was pulled out of its optimum plane
by stupid training. I quit benching four months
ago and the shoulder slowly started getting better.

Now I'm military pressing again at 85 percent max,
PAIN FREE. I'm on program no. one from The Dinosaur
Training Military Press and Shoulder Power Course.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. I feel good
about my training for the first time in quite a
while, thanks to you." James McAughren

"You are right about losing good form at the end
of a long set, which begets problems and injuries
over time. Part of my problem was that I never
understood the idea of 'leaving something in the
tank.' As a result, I paid some high prices. Looks
like I'm going to have to undertake a hip
replacement on the right side. But some of my
classmates and co-workers who have never done
'anything' are having to do it, too, so who
knows?" -- Paul Murray

"From the perspective of a 63 year old (me), your
advice is pretty good. At the moment I'm using a
modified version of Stephan Korte's 3 x 3 program.
My aim is to do a deadlift of 2 1/2 times bodyweight
in August and one-arm chinups (each arm) by
Christmas. The idea of beginning with a weight
that's based on -- but much less than -- the
lifter's existing top performance looks sound
to me." -- Keith Thomas

"First class advice. I am so glad I got the Top
Squat and employed the 'slow cooking' method. At
age 60, I have put 130 pounds on my squat and 150
pounds on my Trap Bar deadlift in just over a year,
with no missed workouts and no injury or discomfort
whatsoever. My military press is coming along
nicely, too." -- Peter Yates

Thanks to everyone who shot in a response. Those are
some great tips for older lifters!

For more training tips for older lifters, grab a copy

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Peter Yates got his leg training program from
CHALK AND SWEAT -- and as noted above, he added 130
pounds to his squat in one year -- at age 60! You
may do the same -- try it and see:

P.S. 2. James McAughren rehabbed his shoulder and
is building top rated pressing power by following
The Dinosaur Training Military Press and Shoulder
Power Course. If you don't have a copy, you can
grab one right here:

P.S. 3. Oscar Ortiz likes John Grimek's "quiet,
low-key approach towards lifting" -- and so do I --
which is why I've put together a terrific new
course covering John Grimek's life, lifting and

P.S. 4. My other books and courses are right here:

P.S. 5. Thought for the Day: "Train hard, but train
smart." -- Brooks Kubik