Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Yesterday I did some heavy dumbbell training.
It was a hot day, and the sweat was flying.
And so were the dumbbells!

My approach to dumbbell training is 100 percent
old school. The old-timers used dumbbells for a
variety of different lifts -- mainly overhead

Some of the favorites were:

1. One-hand dumbbell swings

2. Two dumbbell swings

3. The one-dumbbell clean and press

4. The two dumbbell clean and press

5. Dumbbell bent presses

6. The one-dumbbell clean and jerk

7. The two-dumbbell clean and jerk

8. The one-hand dumbbell snatch (using
a single dumbbell)

9. The two-dumbbell snatch

10. Dumbbell side presses

11. The two dumbbell clean and alternate
(or see-saw style) press

12. Overhead squats performed with one

13. Overhead squats performed with two

14. The two dumbbell curl and press

15. Dumbbell deadlifts using two dumbbells

Today, many trainees have never even heard
of these exercises, much less seen them --
and hardly anyone uses them.

That's a shame, because the old-school
dumbbell lifts build serious strength and

Fifteen years ago I followed a special program
of all-dumbbell training two days a week, and
one workout where I did squats. It was a great
program. The dumbbell training and the squats
were a perfect combination for building
strength and muscle.

One of my readers asked how to perform a two
dumbbell clean and press. He said he had never
seen anyone do it. That led me to film my first
training video, The Lost Art of Dumbbell

Like me, it was old-school. We filmed it in the
original Dino Dungeon, and there's chalk flying
everywhere, and tons and tons of heavy lifting.
I work up to 151 pounds in the one-hand dumbbell
swing and the one-hand dumbbell clean and push
press -- and that's a lot of weight to toss over
your head with one hand. Fun stuff!

Anyhow, yesterday was dumbbell day -- and it
was a great workout!

Give dumbbells a try. You'll like them!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I transferred the Dumbbell Training
video to DVD -- and you can find it (along
with my other DVD's right here:

P.S. 2. I also have a set of seven killer
DVD's that cover Dinosaur Bodyweight Training.
I haven't had time to put a link up on the
website, but if you're interested, shoot me
an email and I'll tell you how to order
them! Of course, the Dinosaur Bodyweight
Training book is also available -- and it's
one of our most popular books:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Dumbbell training
is fun -- and effective!" -- Brooks Kubik