Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Exercise Police Hate This Workout!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Peter Yates is a 60-year old Dinosaur,
life-long lifter and martial artist,
and frequent contributor to the Dino
Files newsletter. As an older Dino,
Peter's been adding some of the things
that make a difference for the guys past
the half-century mark, including Tommy
Kono knee wraps, the Dave Draper Top
Squat, John Wood's Indian Clubs for the
shoulders, lots of attention to warm-ups,
a super nutritious diet and (the most
important of all) SMART training.

Over the past year, Peter's been following
one of the programs from CHALK AND SWEAT,
and he's been making regular and steady
progress as he works toward 300 x 20 in
the squat.

He just sent me a workout report that
was so great, I just had to share it
with you -- but be warned, the Exercise
Police won't like this one. You may even
end up on "the List" just for reading
about it:

"Hi Brooks,

Had a great workout yesterday. Was worried
in case the Exercise Police were snooping
around and caught me doing 'dangerous'
exercises such as front squat, push press
off racks, high pulls and dumbbell snatch.

Worked my core pretty good, so I omitted
the 'safe' abdominal crunches.

Interesting thing about heavy compounds
creating a need for more nutrition. Usually
the day of and the day after a workout I am
ravenous and can put away extra food with no
effort. Then my appetite goes back to normal
until after the next workout. A good example
of the body naturally filling a demand.

Anyhow, I am continuing to gain strength
slowly and steadily. May never get back
to where I once was, but I am very happy
to have made the progress I have.


Here's my response:


That's another great workout for you, and
yes, you're going to have to watch out for
the Exercise Police. They don't like the
stand on your feet and train stuff, and
they sure as heck don't like heavy compound
exercises with barbells and dumbbells.

And yes, I bet you DID get a heck of a
core workout -- without doing bunny crunches.
Those heavy compound exercises work the heck
out of your midsection. That's one of the
reasons the old-time strongmen had such
great development in the abdominals and

In fact, they used to write articles and
courses where exercises like one arm
military presses, front squats and one
hand snatches were used to build the
muscles of the midsection!

On the diet and nutrition front, I expect
you'll be plenty hungry today. I recommend
a grilled steak and a big salad loaded with
fresh greens. The Food Police won't like
that very much, but what the heck -- you're
already on the List!"

And yes, if you've read this message, then
you, too, are ON THE LIST. So watch out for
the Exercise Cops. You may want to do a couple
of quick sets with two-pound purple dumbbells
to throw them off the trail!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day -- and if you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Peter has had great success with the leg
and back workouts in CHALK AND SWEAT and with
the workouts and training tips in GRAY HAIR AND
BLACK IRON. He says they're mandatory reading
for older lifters -- and I agree! You can find
them right here:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You're never too old
to start, but you're already too old to stop."
-- Brooks Kubik