Friday, June 15, 2012


Hail to the Dinosaurs!

So I'm on a plane, and I'm flipping
through the pages of an in-flight
magazine, and there's a training

So I read it.

It says to do "high intensity training."

Well, okay, that sounds promising.

And then the "high intensity training"
is -- and I'm not making this up -- one
minute of squat jumps followed by 30
seconds of rest followed by 30 seconds
of barbell clean and press -- and you
keep it up for 30 minutes.

Then you do 45 minutes of cardio.

And that's your "high intensity"

I have a different approach to high
intensity training.

Train three times per week: M/W/F or
T/Th/Sat. Do stretching, flexibility
work and mobility work each day,
including your off days. And you might
want to do some Indian club drills --
they're really good for the shoulders.

Do three different workouts: Workout A,
Workout B and Workout C.

Begin each workout with ten minutes of
warming up, stretching, and mobility
work. Get nice and loose and ready to
rumble. See Gray Hair and Black Iron
for some specific instruction on
effective warm-ups:

Important! Start light and ease into the
workout -- and gradually up the weights
and the intensity.


1. Barbell clean and press

Do 3 x 5 progressively heavier warm-up
sets, 3 x 3 work sets, 2 x 2 work sets
and 2 x 1 work sets.

2. Back squat or front squat

Do 5 x 5. Start light and work up to one
set  with your top weight for the day.

3. Gut work of your choice

Do one or two sets of 8 to 10 reps.


1. Bench press or incline press

Use a barbell or use a pair of dumbbells --
or use a single dumbbell. If you train
alone, do these in a power rack or with
safety bars -- or use the dumbbells.

Do the same sets and reps as the clean and
press on Monday.

Note: If you prefer, do five to ten sets
of any of the pushup variations in Dinosaur
Bodyweight Training:

2. Barbell or dumbbell bent-over rowing,
pull-ups, or pull-downs

Same sets and reps as squats on Monday.

Note: If you prefer, do any of the pull-up
variations (including the rope and ring pull-ups)
in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training:

3. Grip work of your choice -- 3 to 5 sets.

See Dinosaur Training and Strength, Muscle and
Power for ideas on grip exercises:


1. Barbell clean and push press or push press
from the racks or power snatches or clean grip
high pulls

Same sets and reps as the clean and press on

2. Bent-legged deadlift or Trap Bar deadlift

Same sets and reps as the squat on Monday.

3. A sandbag finisher

Lift a sandbag from the floor to your right
shoulder, lower, lift it to the left shoulder,
and repeat. Do 10 to 20 reps to each side. 

Note: For ideas on other finishers, see Strength,
Muscle and Power -- Dinosaur Training -- Chalk
and Sweat -- or my Bags, Barrels and Beyond DVD.
You can find them at my website:

4. Neck work with headstrap

Do two or three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

5. Gut work of your choice

Do two or three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

That's MY idea of "high intensity" training --
and if you give it a try, and work hard and
heavy, you will build some serious strength
and muscle. And for a Dinosaur, that's the
name of the game!

But please note -- this is NOT a workout for
beginners. If you're a newbie, follow the
routines for beginners in Chalk and Sweat:

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My books and courses -- and my Dinosaur
Training DVD's -- are right here:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "You can swim with
the minnows or roar with the Dinosaurs -- it's
your choice." -- Brooks Kubik