Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crazy Exercises and Insane Workouts!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I just did a google search for "crazy exercises"
and got 19,800,000 hits.

"Crazy workouts" got 5,940,000 hits.

"Insane exercises" did pretty well, too. I got
7,450,000 hits on that one.

"Insane workouts" delivered 2,150,000 hits.

Now, I don't know about YOU -- but I'm not
interested in crazy exercises -- crazy
workouts -- insane exercises -- or insane

But it seems everyone else in the world is.

And that, my friends and fellow dinosaurs,
is one of the biggest problems with modern
day training. It's not about the things that
matter -- basic exercises, hard work, short
(abbreviated) workouts, quality training, the
mind-muscle link, progression, adding weight
to the bar, etc. (i.e., the things I teach
in my Dinosaur Training books and courses).

Instead, it's about CRAZY stuff. INSANE stuff.
Stuff that is new, different, and no one else
in thew world is doing it other than the guy
on YouTube and the 77 million people who saw
his clip and decided to go out and try his
brand new exercise.


Forget it! Everyone wants to do Bulgarian
split squats on a well-oiled stability ball
perched on top of a wobble-board floating in
a pool of water. The guy on YouTube said it
was great for the exernometer muscles and
the gluteus radiculous. And it sure looked


Not on your life. Everyone wants to do downhill
tire flips on 60 degree slope, while pulling
one of those parachute things and wearing a
World War I era gas mask and roller skates.
Hey, it looked INSANE in the video clip!

The clean and press?

No way! Not unless you stand on a mini-
trampoline while you do it. That looked
crazy AND insane in the video.

Five sets of five reps?

That's SO old-fashioned. The big thing this
month is 500 sets of 500 reps. It's gotta
work -- it's too CRAZY not to work!

Training two or three times a week -- for
45 to 60 minutes per workout?

PUH-LEEZE! That's not crazy. It's too
old-fashioned to be crazy. CRAZY is training
three or four times a day (five is better)
for a couple of hours per session -- and
doing it seven days a week. Everyone on
Facebook will say you're INSANE when
you tell them about it.

Abbreviated workouts? Quality training?

Nuts to that. It doesn't come anywhere

In short, everything that WE do -- THEY
don't like. It's not crazy. It's not
insane. In fact, it's probably not even

So there we are. A small army of extremely
strong, very well-conditioned, old-school
strength trainers -- sticking to the basics,
doing the boring stuff, and ignoring the
world of the CRAZY and the INSANE.

I guess that makes us old-fashioned.

It also makes us Dinosaurs.

And that's why I start every email message
the very same way:

HAIL TO THE DINOSAURS! If it wasn't for
you, crazy and insane is all there would be.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you want crazy and insane, I can't help
you. But if you want old-school strength training
that REALLY WORKS, you can find it in any of
my Dinosaur Training books and courses:

P.S. 2. Save some wampum on s&h by ordering two
or more books and courses at the same time.

P.S. 3. My new book, Dinosaur Dumbbell Training,
is coming soon. Be looking for the big announcement!

P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Simple works."
-- Brooks Kubik