Friday, July 13, 2012

The Sound of Silence (And Heavy Iron)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In case you've missed them, I've been
concluding all of my daily emails with
a Thought for the Day -- so always read
to the very end and enjoy the T4TD.
They're fun!

On the training front, I wanted to share
an interesting phenomenon. It may or may
not apply to YOU (depending on your age),
and even if you're my age or older it may
be totally different than your own
experience. But for what it's worth,
here it is.

The older I get, the quieter I like it
when I train. I don't even like any music
playing anymore. I prefer silence. I don't
want any distractions.

The older I get, the more I enjoy fast,
smooth, powerful movements -- exercises
like snatches, cleans, jerks, dumbbell
snatches, dumbbell swings, and so on.
The FEEL better. (I think that's because
they require a super-strong mind-muscle
link -- and because they engage the
nervous system so much.)

The older I get, the less likely I am to
psyche up for a big lift. Instead, I prefer
to turn inward, to quiet my mind, to shut
out distractions, and to become fully
focused. I still lift heavy, I just do
it differently.

The older I get, the more time I spend
on stretching, flexibility and mobility
work. I'm also finding that I need to
practice RELAXING my muscles so that I
can move fast and fluidly when I lift.
Again, I'm still lifting heavy, I'm
just doing it differently.

What I'm finding is that as I grow older,
I need to make changes in my training, and
many of those changes involve the mental
side of things as much as the physical

Training has always been both a physical
and a mental (you might even say a spiritual)
journey for me. Ar age 25, or even age 35, it
was much more physical than anything else.
Today, at age 55, it's as much mental as

Yes, I'm still training  hard and heavy --
I'm just doing it a little differently.

I don't know if my experience is similar to
that of other older lifters. It may be totally
different. But it may be that others have
experienced a similar transition in their
training. After all, if you do something for
forty or fifty years, you'll probably make
some changes as the years roll on by.

Anyhow, I had a great workout last night.
I did snatches -- and I worked up to a heavy
weight and stayed there for five perfect singles.

It was quiet and peaceful, and in some strange
way, almost relaxing. Which is hard to imagine,
given that I was tossing a heavy barbell up over
my head as hard and fast as possible.

That got me to thinking -- and that's why I
shared this with you.

We're winding down to the end of thew day, so
let me close by saying: Have a great weekend!
If you train tonight -- or tomorrow -- or
Sunday -- make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My books, courses, and Dinosaur Training
DVD's are available right here at Dino

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "The iron never
beats you. When you miss, it's because you beat
yourself." -- Brooks Kubik