Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hail to the Dinosaurs!

For the past two years, I've been doing a 20 page, monthly hard-copy, snail-mail newsletter called The Dinosaur Files. I just mailed the final issue for year two to all Dinosaur Files subscribers.

With everyone's issue, I included a note outlining some changes for year three of The Dinosaur Files.

Since some Dinos don't subscribe to The Dinosaur Files (and may not even know about it), I thought I'd post the letter here so everyone can read it.

 As you can see, we're going to switch to a revised, bigger format -- more pages, more articles, more training information, more Iron Game history, more of everything that Dinos love -- and we're going to do it in a quarterly format. It will still be hard-copy, and I'll use snail-mail to get it to you. Hard copy is nice, because you can save each issue and build the complete collection over the years.

I'm also going to include some Dino-approved and Dino-appropriate advertising, including classified ads for folks who are looking to buy, sell or trade books, courses, magazines or equipment. So if you'd like to reach a bunch of hard core Dinos with an inexpensive ad, this is good opportunity to do it. If you're interested in placing an ad, send me email. Of course, I reserve the right to decline to run any particular ad or ads. As I noted, all advertising must be Dino-appropriate.

I'm always on the lookout for articles and leads for articles, so if you have any ideas, shoot me an email.

BTW, if you're interested in getting back issues of The Dinosaur Files newsletter, you can grab them here:

1. Back issues for year one (12 issues) (May 2010 to April 2011)

2. Back issues for year two (12 issues) (May 2011 to April 2012)

When the first quarterly issue is ready to go, I'll put up a sales page for it. Readers will have the option of grabbing a one year, four issue subscription, or grabbing single issues as they are published. 

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


Hail to the Dinosaurs!

This issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter is issue no. 12 for the 2010 – 2011 subscription year, and completes your current subscription. I apologize for the delay in getting the issue out the door, but it’s a good issue and I hope you enjoy it.

In an effort to make The Dinosaur Files bigger and better, I’m going to make some changes for year three of The Dinosaur Files. My current plan is to do this:

1. Switch to a quarterly format (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer).

2. Increase the page count to either 32 or 36 interior pages per issue.

3.  Include new columns and features in each issue.

4. Accept a limited amount of Dino-approved and Dino-appropriate advertising for products or services of interest to Dinos. (Don’t worry, we’re not going to turn the Dino Files into a supplement catalog.)

5.  Include classified ads for Dinos looking for used equipment, old books or magazines, etc.

6. Start a special program similar to the old American Strength and Health League, which will give Dinos a chance to win award certificates and be featured in The Dinosaur Files.

7. Include a special bonus with each issue.

In other words, the new format will let me bring you something that combines the best of Bob Hoffman’s Strength and Health, Peary Rader’s IronMan and Harry Paschall’s Strength Notebook. I think it will be really good, and I’m very much looking forward to the first quarterly issue.

We’re going to start with the Fall 2012 issue – and when it’s ready, I’ll put up an order page at the Dinosaur Training website. Of course, I’ll let you know more about it through my daily emails and posts on the Dinosaur Training Blog. (If you’re not receiving my daily emails, please go to www.brookskubik.com and sign up for them.)

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day – and enjoy this issue of The Dinosaur Files!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik