Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Home for Iron Slinging Octogenerians!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Earlier in the week I sent a link to
a YouTube video showing 83-year old
Gren Elmore setting an age-group World
Record in the deadlift -- with an
impressive 116 kilos (255 pounds).

I rec'd tons of great feedback from the
Dino Nation -- including the following
from Erik Andersen: 

Hi Brooks

I just have to say WOW, how many at 83
years of age must struggle just to rise
from a chair?

Train hard,

Erik H. Andersen
Dinosaur and grip-expert from Denmark"

And that's exactly the point. And it's
something you need to keep in mind as
you grow older.

Too many older trainees drive themselves
crazy by trying to lift as much as they
lifted when they were in their twenties
or thirties. Or they get frustrated
because they can't lift as much as they
used to be able to handle when they
were younger.

You need to understand and accept that
as you grow older, you won't be able to
lift as much as you used to lift. That's
just a simple fact of life.

BUT -- and this is very important -- you
absolutely CAN stay far stronger than
others your age who don't train -- and
you CAN stay far stronger than you would
be if you stopped training. (Ahem -- as
if a Dinosaur would ever stop training.)

You also CAN maintain your strength and
health to the point where you look and
feel ten or twenty years younger than
your chronological age.

Harry Paschall once wrote that when he
was sixteen or so -- and the only kid
in town who had  a barbell -- the other
guys started to call him "Muscles."

Forty years later, he was walking on
a beach in Florida and he heard some
kids shout -- "Look at Muscles over

He turned around, expecting to see John
Grimek or some other bodybuilding
champion -- but there was no one there.

It was then that Harry realized the boys
were talking about HIM!

It made him feel pretty darn good.

He was "Muscles" when he was sixteen --
and forty years later -- even though he
was not lifting as much as he lifted in
his twenties and thirties (or in his
forties) he was still "Muscles."

That's the sort of thing you want to be
shooting for. You want to GET strong and
you want to STAY strong -- and you want
to be so much stronger and fitter than
others your age that it's not even funny!

And thirty or forty years from now, I
want to hear reports from Dinos in their
seventies, eighties and nineties who are
still training and still pushing and
pulling the iron.

Heck, they may have to build a special
retirement home just for Dinos! With
barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and
power racks in every room -- and more
of the same in the lobby -- and a full
size Dino style gym where we can all

They can call it:

The Home for Iron Slinging Octogenerians!

And that would be pretty darn cool.

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. if you train today, make
it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the number
one resource for older trainees -- featuring
more than 50 different workouts and tons of
training info tailored for older Dinos:

P.S. 2. My other Dinosaur Training books and
courses are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Keep on training,
because no one else can do it for you."
-- Brooks Kubik